Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Dear Angelic Blog Buddies:

We've all heard about earth changes and pole shifts. Sometimes we imagine such changes may occur due to catastrophies that rock the world as we currently know it. I'm here to share a story that occurred this past month. It was a huge pole shift in my life and the experience was one of the sweetest ever. In fact, every time I think of the incident I just start smiling and thinking to myself: It's happening now. The shift occurred with the simplicity of a comment that was made to me.

My husband, Chuck, and I adore train gardens. We have a truly amazing train garden in our bedroom and keep it up year round. We both would love to miniaturize ourselves and live in this adorable community.

During the holidays we had a free Saturday and while reading our local newspaper, The Carroll County Times, we were delighted that the paper included a list of all the fire departments that had train garden displays. We set out to have a fun filled adventure of seeing a number of the gardens.

At the end of the day, which we topped off by dining in a restaurant that is a remodeled train station (yes, we are a goofy couple), Chuck made the following remark to me. Now before I share Chuck's pole shifting statement, I have to give a little more background information about the fire departments' train gardens.

We saw a lot of train gardens on that Saturday. The gardens were all set up and being run by men and the masculine energy was pretty obvious. The gardens included racetracks with fast running cars, rugged mountains and on one of the mountains was a scene where a plane had crashed into the mountain; houses on fire with fire trucks on the scene putting out the fire. One of the gardens had a huge refinery fire going on. Fast cars. Explosions. Fires. Disasters. Sounds like the making of a script for a guy flick.

Chuck and I are driving home from our train garden adventure day, and out of the blue Chuck says to me, "Wouldn't it be really cool to see a train that goes through a fairyland that is complete with mist and magical beings. An enchanted forest fairy garden." I know the look on my face conveyed what I was experiencing. The poles had shifted.

Chuck went on to say that being married to me for ten years had given him the experience of living in other realities. It has really sensitized him to a lot of stuff; stuff that he was never sensitive to before, including the world of enchantment, magical beings and fairies.

I do, of course, honor the train gardens that were on display because they represent a lot of hours of hard work and kind individuals are sharing their private train collections witht he public. And God bless our fire departments and fire personnel.

And I am also honoring my husband, Chuck. Chuck was in the Navy during the time of the Korean War. He worked in the corporate world for 49 years. He was an IBM engineer. He loves watching the military channel and movies with car chases and things that blow up.

And this same precious individual is someone who would like nothing better than to be a train conductor who says:


In honor of Conductor Chuck, I share with you here ways to experience



1. Believe in fairies.

2. Read fairy tales from around the world.

3. Use the word “flow” in your daily dialogue. Fairies feel comfortable with people who flow with life; people who let their life force flow.

4. Be open to seeing fairies with peripheral vision (from corner of your eyes). This is fairy focus. If you notice circles of light, you are observing fairies dancing. Fairies love to swirl, whirl and twirl.

5. Keep your mind and imagination open. You develop fairy vision with your imagination.

6. Recognize many invisible worlds envelope your visible world. When you’ve lost “track of time,” and find your mind blank as to where you’ve been or what you’ve been doing, you may have been wisped away to a pixie playground. Without wisping in life, you can wither in life.

7. Celebrate flowers! Love flowers; in fact, a love for all living things is a bridge between humans and fairies. Fairies love bluebells, pansies and daisies to name a few fairy favorites.

8. Honor the importance of childhood. Children are closer to fairy folk than adults. Fairies nurture childhood spirit.

9. Look for magic in everyone and everything. Buy a magic wand. Even better, make your own magic wand. Fairies are
magic masters.

10. Attune to subtle energies. Allow yourself to sense energy changes especially changes in the environment around you.
Notice the obscure.

11. Slow down your life pace. Going too fast is a sure way to miss the fairies around you. A fairy pace is “flow and easy”.

12. Pay attention to sound and consider turning down the volume around you so you can hear fairytalk. Let your mind flow with dreams about fairies.

13. Make time to “get quiet”…really quiet especially in nature. If you can hear insects humming, you can hear fairies giggling.

14. Affirm! Proclaim in your environment: “Yes! I know fairies are here with me!”

15. Make time to have a picnic in a park. Frolic with the fairies.

16. Make contact with nature with loving energy and thoughts, i.e. touching leaves with love, hugging trees. When you notice flowers are bobbing up and down, there’s a fairy that’s playing.

17. Talk to everything, i.e. your houseplants, with a voice of love.

18. Use your inner ears and inner eyes to hear and see the invisible world around you.

19. Breathe in all the amazing scents of life.

20. Listen for the sounds that come out of flowers. They truly do inhale and exhale. Listen to the music that’s in the air and for the sound of little chimes, bells and fairy harps.

21. Celebrate life! Have parties and invite the fairies to attend!

22. Applaud God for all the glorious creations. Be thankful.

23. Dance a life dance. At sunset, join with the fairies in honoring God by dancing a happy dance. Fairies love dancing in sunlight and moonlight. Fairies love light especially the light in your heart.

24. Believe in happily ever afters. Believe in miracles.

25. Go to flower shows. Visit gardens.

26. Fairies can be found in meadows filled with wild flowers and pixies in pastures.

27. Be kind to all creatures and all living things. Create wildlife habitats as well as fairy habitats.

28. Be a connoisseur of life. Savor your life. Life is delicious! Let the laughter, playfulness and happiness begin and you’ll be attracting fairy energy into your life.

29. Pay attention when you’re living life in overdrive and feel you always have to ‘get to” some place. Be the fullness of the now wherever you are.

30. Be in awe of the earth’s beauty. Make time to behold the beauty around and inside of you.

31. Praise all the cycles of nature: spring, summer, fall, winter.
Celebrate the seasons.

32. Look for ways to include thoughts of the fairies in your daily life. Think about what the fairies might be doing.

33. Invite the fairies into your life and your home. Verbally welcome them. Have lots of mirrors in your home. Mirrors are spirit and fairy doorways. Have fresh flowers because flowers petals are where they nap.

34. Build a fairy house for your home so the fairies come for sleepovers.

35. Create fairy furniture.

36. Learn your own personal rhythm, i.e. biorhythm chart. Your biorhythm is your natural life flow.

37. Be on the lookout for fairies where there are mounds, caves, forest clearings, creeks. Fairy mounds, hills, forts, gardens, lands do exist.

38. If you own property, let a part of your property or yard grow wild.

39. Discover your own inner sound and keynote. Opening to your inner sound is a portal to “other worlds”. The key of you is a key to opening to worlds within worlds that you are already attuned to. Put your ear to the ground, and listen for fairy sounds.

40. Discover your own inner fairy colors.

41. Surround yourself with fairy beauty, i.e. works of art depicting fairies.

42. Be genuine in your life. Be passionate about your life. Be a lover of your life.

43. Sing a fairy song outdoors to the fairies. If you don’t know a fairy song, write a fairy song as a gift to the fairies. The fairies love to hear singing.

44. Get to know your spiritual “JOY GUIDE”. This is the fairy who is part of your spiritual support team.

45. Commune with “merfolk” when at the ocean.

46. Get to know the fairies as “Wee/We” people. Community is important to the fairies. Fairies feel a connectedness with all kingdoms and realms. Getting close to the fairies strengthens your own connectedness.

47. Put flower essences such as The Fairy Rose in your drinking water. Available from Green Hope farm LLC/POB125, Meriden,New Hampshire (NH) 03770. Telephone 603-469-3662. www.greenhopeessences.com

48. Attend fairy festivals. Dress up like a fairy.

49. Subscribe to fairy magazines.

50. When shopping, pay attention to when you see fairy figurines and know that you are starting to make the connection of “seeing fairies everywhere”.

51. Have a fountain in your home inviting fairy energy to flow.

52. Visit places where there are waterfalls and look for fairies. Fairies love to play in waterfalls.

53. Attune to crystals that resonate with the fairies such as amethyst.

54. Practice tolerance and respect for everyone and everything. Do not curse. Cursing causes fairy energy to shutter; in fact, everyone’s energy shutters at the sound of cursing.

55. Hold the intention that you are going to see fairies and you will!

56. Commune with dolphins.

57. Take walks in parks and woods and hold your love for the fairies in your heart. Look for places that fill you with enchantment. You’ll find fairies there.

58. Notice when the weather creates “whirlwinds”.

59. Send daily blessings to your fairy friends. Wrap your fairy friends in prayer.

60. Fill your home with fairy fragrances such as honeysuckle. Use fairy sprays throughout your house.

61. Wear fairy jewelry. Sparkle and shine with fairy light.

62. Contemplate your fellowship with fairies during the twixt times of the day, just before dawn; just before sunset

63. Notice when you see animals appear, i.e. a possum attempting to cross a road. All the kingdoms share sacred space here on earth. Be conscious of all family members.

64. Purchase a fossil sea urchin, echinite and meditate holding it to commune with fairies of the waters of the earth.

65. Read poems about fairies. Yeats called the land of the fairies the heart of our world. Connecting with the fairies opens your heart to joy.

66. Pay attention to when you spot golden ragwort growing. Fairies love it! Walk gently around toadstools.

67. Leave open space in your home for the invisible to become visible. Don’t clutter or crowd your home with useless stuff.

68. Fire fairies love candles, lamps, lights, sun images, triangles and red colors. Archangel Michael is the angelic guardian of fire fairies.

69. Earth or gnome fairies love clay pots, bricks, stones, square shapes, yellows, browns and orange colors. Archangel Uriel is the angelic guardian of earth fairies.

70. Etheric or air fairies love domes, round shapes, coins, kitchenware, clocks and colors that are silver. Archangel Raphael is the angelic guardian of air fairies.

71. Water fairies love fountains, ponds, fish tanks, mirrors, glass and blue colors. Archangel Gabriel is the angelic guardian of the water fairies.

72. Look for fairies when you see rainbows.

73. Talk to children about fairies. Let them tell you of their beliefs. Let a child draw a fairy picture for you.

74. Go barefoot on the grass. You’ll be giving Mother Nature a foot massage and the fairies will tickle your toes.

75. Feel the wind blowing through your hair. Experience the wind knowing that the wind is experiencing you, too.

76. Rest upon the earth and watch the white fluffy clouds float by. Imagine the fairies resting right beside you.

77. Imagine the fairies giving you a special secret name. What would the name be?

78. Be a fairy godmother to someone and fulfill a wish for them.

79. Recognize that the fairies are an Ancient Race. Honor their wisdom.

80. Buy a jar of bubbles and set the bubbles free from the jar.
Fairies love bubbles.

81. Pickup a seashell and know that the fairies of the ocean are calling to you.

82. Just because you don’t see something, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. It means your eyes aren’t fully open yet.

83. Rent the movie Fairy Tale: A True Story. Invite the fairies to watch the movie with you.

84. Purchase a deck of Inner Child Cards. These wonderful cards draw on fairy tales to assist us on our spiritual path.

85. Support the fairies in their effort to bring relief to waters of the earth. Consider adding a bird bath, waterfall or fishpond to your backyard to attract fairies, birds and wildlife.

86. Observe people and think about people who look like fairies disguised as humans.

87. Read Ted Andrews’ Enchantment of the Fairy Kingdom.

88. Study botany. Learn about plants, flowers and trees.

89. Use the Fairy Ring or Faeries’ Oracle as a communication
tool with the fairies.

90. When orbs and spheres appear in your photographs, you have just taken a fairy’s picture.

89. Ask the fairies how you can help heal the earth; be a partner
with the fairies in your garden. Listen to their wisdom.

88. Buy a pair of wings. Let your spirit fly!

89. Be creative. Creativity is magnetic to fairies.

90. Read Lord of the Rings; rent the DVDs.

91. Put up bird feeders and birdhouses.

92. When you sense fairies are near, know that they are.

93. Fairies love fruit trees. They use blossoms for clothing.

94. Read Dorothy Maclean “Oh Hear the Angels Sing” and
learn about magical Findhorn, Scotland.

95. Assist the fairies in lightweaving assignments to healing the Mother Earth. Fairies spin and weave healing energie

96. Buy little doors and place them inside and outside your
home to remind you of the reality of doors to other worlds. Look for doorways in nature. They are symbolic that nature’s door is open; waiting for you to enter.

97. Read Shakespeare.

98. Place circles of stones in your garden as a fairy ring.

99. Shiny wind chimes, bright gazing globes delight fairies.

100. Have a fairy reading with Jayne.

101. Make a pledge to be a friend to the fairy. Celebrate the joy of
Fairy Fellowship.

If you want to get to know the fairies, dedicate a meditation experience to exploring the word FAIRY followed by one of the words listed below, i.e. I am opening to FAIRY ZIP.


Fairy Fellowship@
Copyrighted May, 2006

Jayne Howard Feldman
Angel Heights
Healing Arts Center
P. O. Box 95
Upperco, MD 21155
1-866-peace2u (1-866-732-2328)

1 comment:

  1. Jayne,
    Thank you so much for sharing this. Last fall I gathered with 7 women at a state park and we set about creating fairy houses from nature items. They were all awesomely beautiful and different.
    Thank you for reminding me that enchantment is everywhere if I remember to look.
