On September 1997, I was called upon by Archangel Raphael and the Blessed Mother to perform a spiritual service. I was told it was time to activate the heart energy of the Creator’s Star grid that had been created at six points of lights in the United States.
I was asked to drive to Kansas City, Missouri, where I would be guided to a forest with heart. I don’t know why I doubt the messages that I am given, because there hasn’t been one instance in which God hasn’t guided my path. Yes, when I first heard the words “forest with heart” I thought of the acres of forest that must exist in Kansas City. And I wasn’t initially abundant with the idea of walking in the woods looking for a heart.
Prior to my leaving home, the angels gave me one more clue. They shared that while in Kansas City I would have an experience similar to that of Brigadoon. Brigadoon was the title of a Broadway show created by Lerner and Loewe. It’s the story of two American tourists who stumble into a Scottish town that only reawakens for one day every hundred years. Like this community in the mist, there was a group of people in another dimension waiting for my arrival. When I got to Kansas City their presence would be made known to me. This message didn’t enhance my comfort zone. Not only was I looking for a heart in a forest; but also now there were people who were going to appear from somewhere else walking out of the mist into my life. However, I am obedient and so I headed for the highway that leads to Kansas City. Rather than proclaiming, “Let the games begin!” - my decree is always, “Let the angelic adventure begin!”
On my way to Kansas City I spoke at a Unity Church in Columbia, Missouri. While giving my sermon I shared my reason for being in Missouri. After the church service, a woman came up to me and said point blank, “You are looking for the Heart Forest.” I replied, “Yes!” And I asked her its location. She remarked, “I don’t know where it is, but you’ll find it when you get to Kansas City.”
Prior to my arrival in Kansas City, I would have several other speaking engagements en route and at each lecture someone would come up at the end of my talk and share that it was; in fact, the Heart Forest I was looking for; and no, they didn’t know where it was exactly, but I would find it in Kansas City. I have to admit; I felt a peace knowing that people had heard of a forest with a heart.
I arrived in Kansas City at the home of Anna Franke, a precious woman who has the most beautiful and loving heart. Upon my arrival I asked her if she knew of a Heart Forest. To my amazement she stated that not only did she know of it, but also she knew the man who had been instrumental in the project. She went into her kitchen to look up his phone number and get him on the phone for me. While she was in the other room calling the Heart Forest contact, the angels were aflutter in her living room.
The angels told me that I was to go downtown to the main library of Kansas City. I was to go to the microfiche and find the names of all the people who were killed in the Hyatt Hotel accident some years ago in Kansas City. The angels indicated that these people were in fact the ones about whom they had inspired me earlier, and they were waiting to come forth from spirit into service. These individuals would be participating in the activation of the heart of the Creator’s Star grid in the Heart Forest.
When Anna returned to the room, she shared that she couldn’t believe her good fortune because the gentleman she was contacting on my behalf travels the world extensively. He is an architect by trade. She indicated that he was willing to lead me himself to the Heart Forest and that arrangements had been made for that to occur the very next day - a Sunday afternoon.
I then shared with Anna my gratitude for her service on my behalf and shared that I needed to get to the public library before it closed. I explained I needed to obtain a list of the names of all those who died in the Hyatt tragedy. Anna’s face turned white. She then shared that her own sister-in-law was one of those who died in the accident at the Hyatt Hotel.
Anna and I drove to the library and I obtained copies of the newspaper articles on the accident. The news reports listed 114 people who died. With the information in hand, I went back to Anna’s home and, using her computer, typed out the names of those who had died.
On Friday afternoon, July 17, 1981, a tea dance in the hotel lobby of the Hyatt Hotel was attended by 1500 people. As the people listened to the Steve Miller Orchestra play Duke Ellington’s “Satin Doll”, a walkway that spanned the lobby collapsed into another walkway. Both walkways then crashed onto the lobby floor. 114 people were killed; nearly 200 were injured.
It was one of American history’s worst hotel catastrophes. Thousands of lives were adversely affected by this accident. I knew of the tragedy and loss of this incident; but I also knew that those who had died were sending a message of hope as part of the heart activation for the Creator’s Star grid. What were they telling us from heaven’s side?
As I read the articles on the accident, I was touched by the comments that family members made about the loved ones’ deaths and the tea dances at the Hyatt. Family members explained how much their family members loved dancing and that it comforted them to know they were doing what they loved when they died. I paused from my typing and thought to myself: These people danced into the light. They danced into heaven.
At that moment the angels revealed, “Yes, they are God’s light dancers. They will be with you Sunday in spirit. They will bless the Creator’s Star grid with the message that life is a dance…remember to dance!” I was then inspired to find a copy of Garth Brook’s powerful song, “The Dance.” It was no surprise to me that Anna just happened to have a copy in her tape collection.
The following day I was joined by a caravan of cars of people who I had met in Kansas City who wanted to be a part of the Heart Forest blessing. Bob led all of us to the Heart Forest.
I offer you a brief history of The Heart Forest as given at the website: www.creativeprocess.net/heartforest.
“The first planting day for the Heart Forest took place on April 28, 1990 to coincide with the 20th anniversary celebration of Earth Day, but the idea of a heart forest first took root with a suggestion made by Dr. Robert Muller at ‘The Future is Now’, Second Annual December 31 Peace Celebration in 1987.
“Dr. Muller, who had recently retired as Under-Secretary of the United Nations and taken on the post of Chancellor for the University for Peace in Costa Rica, had returned as the keynote speaker for the second event. The day before the celebration a breakfast was held with civic leaders where two other visitors to Kansas City were in attendance, Iroquois Chief Leon Shenandoah and Mohawk Chief Jake Swamp.
“After Dr. Muller had given his remarks at the breakfast both Chief Shenandoah and Chief Swamp shared their feelings about Kansas City and the heart of the country.
“The next morning at the early morning celebration, Dr. Muller proposed a heart shaped avenue of trees be planted around the city, large enough to be seen from space, as a way for Kansas City to proclaim itself as loving the world with a global heart.”
From the efforts of many visionaries the Heart Forest became a reality. On 22 acres of land near the Kansas City Airport a grove of 550 red cedars surrounded by concentric heart-shaped bands of flowering pine and shade trees paints a picture of love for the entire world to see. In Margaret Mead’s words: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.” And a small group of citizens of Kansas City gave to the world a forest with a heart.
And so through the honoring of those who danced into light by reading their names aloud, and supporting with prayers, songs, and uplifted hearts the blessing of their message to always remember to dance, the heart of the Creator’s Star grid was officially opened. There were tears and hugs and an overall feeling of a greater peace embracing all of us who participated in the service.
I turned my car homeward with a sense of this angelic assignment coming to completion. The evening prior to my leaving Kansas City, Anna included me in her prayers asking God to watch over me on my trip home. During her sleep she had a dream that something was wrong with my car and she was being shown a snake under the hood. The next morning Anna couldn’t wait for me to get my car into the local auto repair shop. Sure enough, my serpentine belt was on the verge of breaking. The snake under the hood was God’s way of conveying that the “serpent” belt needed to be replaced. The repairman indicated that I was one lucky lady in having this fixed without having it break out on the road. I knew luck had nothing to do with it; I am blessed with friends who care about me.
On my drive home, the Blessed Mother appeared to me. She held a dove of peace in her hands. She inspired me with the message that with the opening of the heart of the Creator’s Star grid within the Heart Forest, her blessings for all people to have peace in their heart were pouring forth on the planet. She said to me, “Know yourself as my child of peace.”
That was one of the first times I would feel my service with the angels being directed to spreading the importance of peace in our hearts and in our lives and identifying myself as earthangel4peace.
The words that followed caused me to shudder: “Protect my children. Protect the innocent ones. Protect them from harm and sexual exploitation.”
When I got home to Angel Heights, the angels revealed Mary’s plan of service. I was asked to gather together a group of my friends who were willing to dedicate 21 days to the project. Each person was directed to the website: www.childsearch.org.
This organization posts pictures of children missing and lists them state-by-state. They have a motto: Missing but not forsaken. I was asked by the Blessed Mother to have every child listed in every state assigned to one of my group’s members. We were then asked to print out the pictures of the children.
Every morning and every evening as part of our prayers we were asked to focus on each child. We were told to look them in the eyes and send God’s love to them. We were told to say to them, “You are not missing in the eyes of God. God sees you. God who is all knowing knows where you are. We reclaim you in service to God.”
We then envisioned a double circle of light – a double halo – protecting the child. It is called the ring-pass-not. It is created by visualizing the power of God flowing in the shape of a circle of light around the child in a clockwise direction. The second circle is the love of God flowing as light to protect the child in a counterclockwise direction. The two circles together form a protection energy known as the ring-pass-not.
No matter where the child may be, the God energies will reach them. If someone is harming the child or doing harm to the child, the ring will create a “spotlight” effect and in some way God’s light will eventually cause the captor to slip up and attention will be drawn to the child.
You may have heard the saying, “turning up the heat”. The Blessed Mother asked us to turn up the lights. I have been asked to continue the service of printing out the pictures of missing children and praying for them and reclaiming them with the light of God.
I know in order to assist the families in finding their children, the children have to be posted as missing; however, the Blessed Mother is saying that with God NOTHING and NO ONE is ever lost. God knows all and sees all.
Did you know that every day in America three children die from abuse and neglect; six children and youths commit suicide; 13 children and youths are murdered; 16 children and youths are killed by firearms; 100,000 children are homeless; 14.7 million live in poverty in this land of abundance? Mother Mary is calling us to take a stand and to answer her call to protect the children from hunger, pain, and harm.
I was asked by the Blessed Mother to visit Bosnia. In Bosnia I learned of the service of International God-Parenthood for the Herceg-Bosnian Child. On the island of Jakljan, this organization makes it possible for hundreds of widows and children to come for spiritual renewal and retreats. These are woman and children who have lost husbands and fathers in wars. One of the little children shared, “It was the hardest for me on August 19, 1992, when I lost my dad. I was very close to him. I just couldn’t believe that I didn’t have him any more and even today, I can’t believe that four years have gone by already and that my love for him has grown stronger. Two months after Dad’s death we had to leave our city, our home, everything that belonged to us. But this wasn’t half as hard as losing my dad.”
Children come to the island with heartache and loss. They find a place of comfort where they can share their loss and pain and receive healing. One child expressed the most beautiful moment on the island was when she became convinced that she was not alone. She came to realize that there were those who were concerned for her and prayed for her. Mother Mary asks all of us to pray for the children of the world.
In the inspirations given to me by the angels and the Blessed Mother, I have been told to pray with my heart. I know that the Blessed Mother’s guiding me to the Heart Forest was to convey to me the message of the importance of praying with a big open heart; praying with the energy of a 22-acre heart.
As I prepared for my trip to Bosnia, the angels told me to pack one suitcase with what I would need for myself personally on the trip; a second suitcase was to be kept empty and in readiness for the children in Bosnia. As my departure date drew nearer, I asked the angels if I needed to go shopping to purchase what the children needed. I was told simply to keep the suitcase empty and in readiness.
The day before my departure, I spoke in Montoursville, Pennsylvania. During my lecture I shared that I was going to Bosnia on an angelic assignment. At the end of the lecture, Becky Huff asked if she could speak to me. I knew Becky as the creator of a line of dolls called Angel Babies. Her adorable baby dolls are dressed in actual human baby clothes. The Angel Babies have been used in seminars to support people’s healing efforts to nurture their own inner child and many incredible healings have resulted from the experiences.
Becky shared that she had taught a class of elementary school children to make Angel Babies. The children wanted the babies to go to children in need and were waiting for a sign as to who was to receive the baby dolls. Becky knew the Angel Babies were meant for the children of Bosnia who had been orphaned by the war. When I arrived in Bosnia, the angels arranged for me to meet a director of the orphanage where the Angel Babies were to be “delivered”. I feel so blessed to have been the “stork” in delivering these precious gifts from the little children of Montoursville, Pennsylvania, to the sweet children of Bosnia.
On behalf of the children, open your heart in prayer to God and ask to be shown how you can be a blessing to a child. I would like to share some ways that you can be of service.
Take a child to a concert or to a museum. Spend time with the children in your neighborhood and your church. Hire a youth in your community. Offer your services as a chaperone for a school field trip. Give games to local rec centers. Praise a child. Say hello to children. Be nice to children. Become a big brother/big sister. Make a donation to Toys for Tots. Ask your elected officials what they are doing for children. Plant a tree where children play. Pay your child support. Know where your child is and who your child’s friends are. Clean up the neighborhood. Volunteer to help out in the nursery of your local hospital. Read to a child.
One Sunday I was invited by a Baltimore church to do the children’s program for the service. I learned a valuable lesson that Sunday morning. I had chosen a book that was too long to read to the children in the time allotted. I thought to myself, no problem, I’ll just read a few pages, and then summarize the point I want to make. That might work for adults, but not for children.
When the Children’s Sermon Time arrived, I sat in the front of the church with the little children of the congregation gathered round me. I started to read the first few pages, and then I started to turn the pages quickly as I gave the children of a synopsis of the message of the story. The children would have nothing to do with being short-changed out of being read to by me. One little girl flipped the book back to where I had stopped reading, and said, “No skipping pages. You’re supposed to read the whole book to us.”
I supported her right not to be short-changed; however, I pretty much pleaded with the little people to have mercy on me in this situation. I explained that in order to share time with the pastor, and choir and everyone else who had a part to play in the program, we had to cut short the reading. I asked all the children if it was ok with them if I cut the reading part short this morning. They knew they had me squirming, and so they agreed.
The audience was in stitches over the whole incident. The children had made their point. In fact, their point is the Blessed Mother’s point, too. Don’t shortchange the children.
God wants us to always be looking for ways to make a child’s life better. What better service is there, than to make the world a better place for the children and to make a child’s life better now?
Angelic Blessings of God's peace to you,
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
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