Thursday, February 18, 2010


Dear Angelic Blog Buddies:

Some of you may know that my husband, Chuck and I live in Upperco, Maryland with our two Jack Russell Terriers, Riot and Pinky. We live in Baltimore County, about a half hour north of Baltimore City. Our area of Maryland can boast that we received more snow this winter than any other area in the entire USA, including Anchorage, Alaska. We had more than 80 inches of snow and we are still dealing with the snow. We have what looks like mountains of snow around our home.

Living in the midst of this immense accumulation of snow and ice, observing glistening icicles hanging from homes and buildings, it inspired me to write a blog about my love of crystals. During the days that we were snowbound at home, I was inspired by the angels to make abundant use of the time in organizing my crystals and realign myself with their energies.

The word crystal is a derivative of crystallos which is Greek for ice. The ancients believed that crystals were frozen light from heaven or holy ice.

I love crystals for their beauty, powerful healing and blessing energies and divine sacredness. I truly believe they are gifts given to us from Divine Mother Earth to support our spiritual growth and feeling of oneness. Some minerals are gifts from beyond the earth, and I love them abundantly, too. I encourage people to have a meteorite stone, and it can be a very small one. Meteorites help us to remember to sometimes think beyond this world and be conscious that there are dimensions inside us that are truly connected with other universes. Chuck and I enjoy watching the new Meteorite Men program on TV

Crystals are powerful healers. In 3rd century BC, Theophrastus wrote about the medicinal values of gems. And Medieval Europe's consciousness awakening to the healing powers of crystals was grreatly influenced by Pliny's writings in the first century about the power of crystals.

Medicine pouches worn by Native Americans contain fetish animals carved from minerals. If you are familiar with Melody's book Love is in the Earth, you know that she makes reference to crystals worn on The Priest's Breastplate which is referenced in the Bible in the Book of Exodus. I have done a lot of research around the twelve crystals mentioned in the Book of Revelation and The New Jerusalem and have found that this information has helped me on my spiritual path.

Since my childhood I have had a deep love for rocks, stones, gems, minerals, and crystals. In thinking about this blog, I was sharing this morning with Chuck at breakfast, that a few years back I led a week long class at a metaphysical conference held on a college campus. My class was held in one of the geology department's classrooms. The room was filled with rocks. I was in sheer bliss being able to teach in this environment.

Some of you have participated on trips I have organized with the angels' inspirations to various countries, i.e. my Angel Tours. On every trip tour members always were on the lookout for rocks that could be brought home. I remember one of the tour guides asking one of our group members if she had rocks in her bag, because it was very heavy for him to pickup. She commented that in fact she did have an abundance of rocks inside the bag.

If you are like me, you have experienced that you really don't find crystals; they find you. I remember being in a crystal store in Pittsburgh, PA with my dear friend, Judy and both of our husbands were with us, too. I love visiting Judy because she is a crystal wizard woman. She's a walking, talking, breathing encyclopedia of information about crystals. As we entered the store, I immediately saw a spectacularly beautiful large apophyllite which comes from Pune, India. Apophyllite is great for making conscious connection with the spirit realm. I felt myself drawn into the crystal. It was breath takingly beautiful.

I was immediately enchanted by the crystal's energy and having a love experience with the apophyllite but the price tag caused me to keep on walking. As I continued walking beyond the apophyllite, I heard the crystal say to me with its energy: "Come back here; I am what you came for. I am the one who called you to this store. The angels want me to assist you in your service. You are not to leave here without buying me."

When I get that clear of a message from the spirit world whether it's from the angels or from crystals, I know it's a waste of energy and time to pretend I didn't hear it. It's now in my court to make it happen. So I immediately took my husband, Chuck over to the apophyllite, showed him the price tag, and said: I am supposed to buy this crystal. It's going to assist my angelic service." Thank God Chuck is so open to my angelic service and messages I receive from spirit. He agreed and the apophyllite is now making cosmic connections easier for all who sit inside the Michael Pyramid in our home. And I also want to thank God that I don't get messages that often from expensive crystals.

A similar incident happened when Chuck and I were at the New Visions Bookstore Expo in York, Pa. I had been sharing with Chuck that I was being inspired by the angels to have a piece of amethyst in the room which is used as a classroom in our home. We had looked at what seemed like a zillion pieces of amethyst, most of which were in the cathedral or dome shape. We felt like Goldilocks. The amethysts were beautiful; just not right for the service the angels wanted.

Well, as I mentioned we were in York at the expo where we had a booth where I did readings and sold my books, etc. The expo was two days - a Saturday and Sunday. Right next to us was the fantastic booth of Rocks of Ages. On Sunday morning, Mary White, the owner of Rocks of Ages, brings out from underneath her table this absolutely amazing amethyst well which she had not brought out before. It was as if out of the blue this incredible amethyst well appears. Chuck and I looked at each other and said, "That's it." Mary shared that when she was at her home she was told to take the well with her. She hadn't planned on bringing it; however, she was told that the well needed to go to the York expo with her. On Sunday morning she had received a message to bring the amethyst well out into the open, and just as she did, Chuck and I were both guided by spirit to turn our attention to her booth.

The well is now in the center of the classroom where visitors to our home are invited to place their heart's wishes in the well. It's a prayer well; manifestation well; divine wishing well. The amethyst is an extremely spiritual stone and is wonderful as an ally stone. It teams up with your intentions and goals and becomes a blessed ally to you in making manifestation happen. It helps energize fulfillment of your heart's desires. At the end of the year, I remove all of the prayer notes, heart wishes and release them to spirit through a fire ceremony.

I love teaching my Angels and Crystals class because it gives me the opportunity to share my angelic experiences with crystals and what the inspirations the angels have given me about specific crystals.

Recently the angels have been abuzz about the importance of having our crystals near us. As I shared, I was inspired make use of the snowstorm time to really organize my crystals. I felt like a kid playing with action figures. My relationship with crystals is one of the most joyous of relationships in my life.

As part of my Thursday night weekly spiritual development class, class members draw angel cards for messages from spirit. The Thursday night before the two major snowstorms impacted Maryland, we all drew cards as usual. Prior to drawing the cards, I had been speaking to the group about the same message as I am giving here. Make time for your crystals. Commune with your crystals. Reconnect with your crystals. Spirit gave a heavenly "ditto" to my comments when I personally drew the card that said: Work with Crystals. Don't you just love when that happens?

If there is a stone you would like to use in supporting your alignment to the angelic kingdom, I recommend celestite. Melody shares in her book that celestite can provide access to and transfer of, information from the purity of the angelic realm. I have found in my own personal experience this is true and I have a number of pieces of celestite in our home to support my daily openness to the angelic kingdom. I have celestite in the heavenly blue color and also golden celestite. Sweet blue angelite is also another wonderful crystal to use for angelic communion.

I encourage everyone to reacquaint yourself with your crystals. Give yourself a crystal play day. Gather your crystals together and visit with them. The mineral kingdom members are truly our allies. Open yourself to the beauty, joy and delightfulness of having a conscious relationships with our friends of rock and stone.

Love in abundance, Jayne

1 comment:

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