Monday, May 4, 2009


Angelic Blessings of Springtime Joy to Everyone:

Perhaps some of you remember living in a household where springtime meant a time for a thorough spring cleaning. Spring cleaning was a ritual of opening windows and letting fresh air in; taking rugs outside and shaking them clean; scrubbing the house from top to bottom until everything was shining clean and bright. The sunshine energy of springtime that was being experienced outside of the house, was felt inside the house through the abundant cleaning. There's something rejuvenating and regenerating about spring cleaning. It clears and cleans the home and the soul at the same time. "Cleanliness is next to godliness." - F. Bacon.

I love working with the word images of the Sabian Symbols. Sabian Symbols are a set of descriptive statements that were developed by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones for each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac.

There's one sabian symbol that expresses the thought: "A woman holding a bag outside of a window." The symbolism of a woman holding a bag out of a window, is connected to the practice of placing items outside in the fresh air. By doing this practice, the stale and musty odors of winter were replaced by the fresh, new crisp smells of spring.

You may also have childhood memories of a clothes lines in the backyard and the wonderful smell of clothes that had been hung outside to dry. A family would have a clothes line; a clothes pole to keep the line from dragging on the ground once the clothes were hung on the line; a clothes basket for carrying clothes to and from the clothes line and clothes pins for hanging the clothes on the line. Perhaps you also remember running outside to gather clothes off the line because a rainstorm was rapidly approaching.

The angels are giving us a message this month to clean up and clear away the old. In little ways and big ways, we can make things better in our lives. It's springtime. Yippee! Let's open the windows and shake out old, stale, stagnate energies and replace them with abundant fresh air energies. Let the sunshine in.

We can apply this message first on a physical level by gentle breathing exercises that allow more fresh air into our lungs and bodies. We can open windows in our households, and let fresh air into our rooms. Additionally, we can be on the lookout for stagnate thinking, and allow fresh air to circulate in our thinking.

We're being asked to take a look at our lives and see what we are holding on to. It can be "stuff" in our actual environment or "stuff" inside of ourselves. It's all clutter. It's time to bring it out to the light of day.

I'd like to share with you the lyrics for the song entitled: STUFF

Written by Kelly Garrett/Tim Owens

"Catalogs fillin' up the mailbox
Home shopping on the cable box
And www dot
Oh there's no escape
Delivery truck coming up 'round the bend
Beep, beep, beep, just backing in
Sign here and here and here again
'Cause it's no money down no payments till
Your whole place is cram packed filed with

Stuff (stuff) stack it on stack it on up
(Stuff) never gonna ever get enough (stuff)
Oh it's treasure till it's mine then it ain't worth a dime
It's stuff (stuff) spreading like weeds
Dragging me under in an endless sea of stuff
(Stuff) There ain't no end
Got to get a bigger place so I can move in
More stuff

It's getting late but it's alright
The get-it-all mart opened up all night
You can catch it all with a quick swipe
It's easier everyday
Suv's and mini vans
Parading 'round in caravans
Toting off more than their tires can stand
'Cause it's no money down no payments till
Every square inch of the whole world's filled with

Stuff (stuff) stack it on stack it on up
(Stuff) never gonna ever get enough (stuff)
Oh it's treasure till it's mine then it ain't worth a dime
It's stuff (stuff) spreading like weeds
Dragging me under in an endless sea of stuff
(Stuff) There ain't no end
Got to get a bigger place so I can move in
More stuff

Drag it in, pack it in
The man with the most
He just wins more stuff

Stuff (stuff) stack it on stack it on up
(Stuff) never gonna ever get enough (stuff)
Oh it's treasure till it's mine then it ain't worth a dime
It's stuff (stuff) spreading like weeds
Dragging me under in an endless sea of stuff
(Stuff) There ain't no end
Got to get a bigger place so I can move in
More stuff"

We're being inspired to take a look at how we have become Stuff Masters; masters of accumulating stuff.

In my booklet Angelic Feng Shui: 101 Way to Make Your Home Heaven on Earth,I share that first we accumulate stuff; and then it starts accumulating us. In short, it takes our energy from us. It takes our energy by being in the way, i.e. we may be moving it around the house - here, there and everywhere - sometimes even into storage lockers that we rent; it takes our energy in having to dust it and keep it clean; it takes our energy by taking up space. I am certain you have heard people comment that they don't want to think about ever having to move because they will have to deal with all their stuff.

It's cleaning time. It's clearing time. We're clearing out old habits. We're discarding thoughts and things that are just no longer relevant to our lives. Get the dust bunnies out from under the bed and out of our minds, too. We are being inspired to ask ourselves: What are we holding onto; and why?

Clean out; clear out; release; let go; discard. We're making room for more sunshine and fresh air in our lives.

There's a lot of changes going on in our nation's economy and as a result people are getting creative about stretching dollars they have and finding new money sources. Last weekend Chuck and I commented to each other on the abundance of yard sales we saw taking place. There were yard sales everywhere. Some were on people's lawns; some on church parking lots. Walmart even rented space on its big parking lot ($15 a table) for a community yard sale which I thought was an absolute hoot because a lot of people buy their stuff from Walmart.

People are releasing the old in the hope of transmuting their former treasures to cash. Mercury is retrograde. So it's a great time to have dialogue with things we've purchased in the past, i.e. "Why did I buy this?" or "Why am I keeping this?" Mercury is the planet that rules our mental faculties; our thinking energies. Mercury is the ruler of Gemini; the zodiac sign of the third house of the sacred wheel. The message of the third house is: I THINK THEREFORE I AM. Let this be a time of thinking about belongings from our past that are clogging up our ability to be mindful in the now. Do we really need these things now? You might find yourself saying, "I THINK I am going to release this item THEREFORE I AM free.

George Bernard Shaw wrote: "Better keep yourself clean and bright. You are the window through which you must see the world."

"God doesn't seek for golden vessels, and does not ask for silver ones, but He must have clean ones." - Dwight L. Moody

I remember in my childhood days singing a song at our Methodist church where the only words I remember to this day are "open up your heart and let the sunshine in." I decided to find the lyrics to share with you and I was amused by the rest of the lyrics. In closing, I share this song with you and the reminder from the angels...let the sunshine in your life.

Written by Stuart Hamblen;
Copyright 1953 by Hamblen Music Company

Mommy told me something
A little kid should know
It's all about the devil
And I've learned to hate him so
She said he causes trouble
When you let him in the room,
He will never ever leave you
If your heart is filled with gloom

So let the sun shine in
Face it with a grin
Smilers never lose
And frowners never win
So let the sun shine in
Face it with a grin
Open up your heart and let the sun shine in

When you are unhappy
The devil wears a grin
But oh, he starts to running
When the light comes pouring in
I know he'll be unhappy
'Cause I'll never wear a frown
Maybe if we keep on smiling
He'll get tired of hanging 'round.

If I forget to say my prayers
The devil jumps with glee
But he feels so awful awful
When he sees me on my knees
So if you're full of trouble
And you never seem to win
Just open up your heart and let the sun shine in

So let the sun shine in
Face it with a grin
Smilers never lose
And frowners never win
So let the sun shine in
Face it with a grin
Open up your heart
And let the sun shine in.

Angelic Blessings of Sunshine and Light,
Love, Jayne


  1. great blog post!

  2. Wonderful read - I'm inspired to go home and clear some clutter! Annie
