Dear Angelic Blog Buddies:
We've all heard about earth changes and pole shifts. Sometimes we imagine such changes may occur due to catastrophies that rock the world as we currently know it. I'm here to share a story that occurred this past month. It was a huge pole shift in my life and the experience was one of the sweetest ever. In fact, every time I think of the incident I just start smiling and thinking to myself: It's happening now. The shift occurred with the simplicity of a comment that was made to me.
My husband, Chuck, and I adore train gardens. We have a truly amazing train garden in our bedroom and keep it up year round. We both would love to miniaturize ourselves and live in this adorable community.
During the holidays we had a free Saturday and while reading our local newspaper, The Carroll County Times, we were delighted that the paper included a list of all the fire departments that had train garden displays. We set out to have a fun filled adventure of seeing a number of the gardens.
At the end of the day, which we topped off by dining in a restaurant that is a remodeled train station (yes, we are a goofy couple), Chuck made the following remark to me. Now before I share Chuck's pole shifting statement, I have to give a little more background information about the fire departments' train gardens.
We saw a lot of train gardens on that Saturday. The gardens were all set up and being run by men and the masculine energy was pretty obvious. The gardens included racetracks with fast running cars, rugged mountains and on one of the mountains was a scene where a plane had crashed into the mountain; houses on fire with fire trucks on the scene putting out the fire. One of the gardens had a huge refinery fire going on. Fast cars. Explosions. Fires. Disasters. Sounds like the making of a script for a guy flick.
Chuck and I are driving home from our train garden adventure day, and out of the blue Chuck says to me, "Wouldn't it be really cool to see a train that goes through a fairyland that is complete with mist and magical beings. An enchanted forest fairy garden." I know the look on my face conveyed what I was experiencing. The poles had shifted.
Chuck went on to say that being married to me for ten years had given him the experience of living in other realities. It has really sensitized him to a lot of stuff; stuff that he was never sensitive to before, including the world of enchantment, magical beings and fairies.
I do, of course, honor the train gardens that were on display because they represent a lot of hours of hard work and kind individuals are sharing their private train collections witht he public. And God bless our fire departments and fire personnel.
And I am also honoring my husband, Chuck. Chuck was in the Navy during the time of the Korean War. He worked in the corporate world for 49 years. He was an IBM engineer. He loves watching the military channel and movies with car chases and things that blow up.
And this same precious individual is someone who would like nothing better than to be a train conductor who says:
In honor of Conductor Chuck, I share with you here ways to experience
1. Believe in fairies.
2. Read fairy tales from around the world.
3. Use the word “flow” in your daily dialogue. Fairies feel comfortable with people who flow with life; people who let their life force flow.
4. Be open to seeing fairies with peripheral vision (from corner of your eyes). This is fairy focus. If you notice circles of light, you are observing fairies dancing. Fairies love to swirl, whirl and twirl.
5. Keep your mind and imagination open. You develop fairy vision with your imagination.
6. Recognize many invisible worlds envelope your visible world. When you’ve lost “track of time,” and find your mind blank as to where you’ve been or what you’ve been doing, you may have been wisped away to a pixie playground. Without wisping in life, you can wither in life.
7. Celebrate flowers! Love flowers; in fact, a love for all living things is a bridge between humans and fairies. Fairies love bluebells, pansies and daisies to name a few fairy favorites.
8. Honor the importance of childhood. Children are closer to fairy folk than adults. Fairies nurture childhood spirit.
9. Look for magic in everyone and everything. Buy a magic wand. Even better, make your own magic wand. Fairies are
magic masters.
10. Attune to subtle energies. Allow yourself to sense energy changes especially changes in the environment around you.
Notice the obscure.
11. Slow down your life pace. Going too fast is a sure way to miss the fairies around you. A fairy pace is “flow and easy”.
12. Pay attention to sound and consider turning down the volume around you so you can hear fairytalk. Let your mind flow with dreams about fairies.
13. Make time to “get quiet”…really quiet especially in nature. If you can hear insects humming, you can hear fairies giggling.
14. Affirm! Proclaim in your environment: “Yes! I know fairies are here with me!”
15. Make time to have a picnic in a park. Frolic with the fairies.
16. Make contact with nature with loving energy and thoughts, i.e. touching leaves with love, hugging trees. When you notice flowers are bobbing up and down, there’s a fairy that’s playing.
17. Talk to everything, i.e. your houseplants, with a voice of love.
18. Use your inner ears and inner eyes to hear and see the invisible world around you.
19. Breathe in all the amazing scents of life.
20. Listen for the sounds that come out of flowers. They truly do inhale and exhale. Listen to the music that’s in the air and for the sound of little chimes, bells and fairy harps.
21. Celebrate life! Have parties and invite the fairies to attend!
22. Applaud God for all the glorious creations. Be thankful.
23. Dance a life dance. At sunset, join with the fairies in honoring God by dancing a happy dance. Fairies love dancing in sunlight and moonlight. Fairies love light especially the light in your heart.
24. Believe in happily ever afters. Believe in miracles.
25. Go to flower shows. Visit gardens.
26. Fairies can be found in meadows filled with wild flowers and pixies in pastures.
27. Be kind to all creatures and all living things. Create wildlife habitats as well as fairy habitats.
28. Be a connoisseur of life. Savor your life. Life is delicious! Let the laughter, playfulness and happiness begin and you’ll be attracting fairy energy into your life.
29. Pay attention when you’re living life in overdrive and feel you always have to ‘get to” some place. Be the fullness of the now wherever you are.
30. Be in awe of the earth’s beauty. Make time to behold the beauty around and inside of you.
31. Praise all the cycles of nature: spring, summer, fall, winter.
Celebrate the seasons.
32. Look for ways to include thoughts of the fairies in your daily life. Think about what the fairies might be doing.
33. Invite the fairies into your life and your home. Verbally welcome them. Have lots of mirrors in your home. Mirrors are spirit and fairy doorways. Have fresh flowers because flowers petals are where they nap.
34. Build a fairy house for your home so the fairies come for sleepovers.
35. Create fairy furniture.
36. Learn your own personal rhythm, i.e. biorhythm chart. Your biorhythm is your natural life flow.
37. Be on the lookout for fairies where there are mounds, caves, forest clearings, creeks. Fairy mounds, hills, forts, gardens, lands do exist.
38. If you own property, let a part of your property or yard grow wild.
39. Discover your own inner sound and keynote. Opening to your inner sound is a portal to “other worlds”. The key of you is a key to opening to worlds within worlds that you are already attuned to. Put your ear to the ground, and listen for fairy sounds.
40. Discover your own inner fairy colors.
41. Surround yourself with fairy beauty, i.e. works of art depicting fairies.
42. Be genuine in your life. Be passionate about your life. Be a lover of your life.
43. Sing a fairy song outdoors to the fairies. If you don’t know a fairy song, write a fairy song as a gift to the fairies. The fairies love to hear singing.
44. Get to know your spiritual “JOY GUIDE”. This is the fairy who is part of your spiritual support team.
45. Commune with “merfolk” when at the ocean.
46. Get to know the fairies as “Wee/We” people. Community is important to the fairies. Fairies feel a connectedness with all kingdoms and realms. Getting close to the fairies strengthens your own connectedness.
47. Put flower essences such as The Fairy Rose in your drinking water. Available from Green Hope farm LLC/POB125, Meriden,New Hampshire (NH) 03770. Telephone 603-469-3662.
48. Attend fairy festivals. Dress up like a fairy.
49. Subscribe to fairy magazines.
50. When shopping, pay attention to when you see fairy figurines and know that you are starting to make the connection of “seeing fairies everywhere”.
51. Have a fountain in your home inviting fairy energy to flow.
52. Visit places where there are waterfalls and look for fairies. Fairies love to play in waterfalls.
53. Attune to crystals that resonate with the fairies such as amethyst.
54. Practice tolerance and respect for everyone and everything. Do not curse. Cursing causes fairy energy to shutter; in fact, everyone’s energy shutters at the sound of cursing.
55. Hold the intention that you are going to see fairies and you will!
56. Commune with dolphins.
57. Take walks in parks and woods and hold your love for the fairies in your heart. Look for places that fill you with enchantment. You’ll find fairies there.
58. Notice when the weather creates “whirlwinds”.
59. Send daily blessings to your fairy friends. Wrap your fairy friends in prayer.
60. Fill your home with fairy fragrances such as honeysuckle. Use fairy sprays throughout your house.
61. Wear fairy jewelry. Sparkle and shine with fairy light.
62. Contemplate your fellowship with fairies during the twixt times of the day, just before dawn; just before sunset
63. Notice when you see animals appear, i.e. a possum attempting to cross a road. All the kingdoms share sacred space here on earth. Be conscious of all family members.
64. Purchase a fossil sea urchin, echinite and meditate holding it to commune with fairies of the waters of the earth.
65. Read poems about fairies. Yeats called the land of the fairies the heart of our world. Connecting with the fairies opens your heart to joy.
66. Pay attention to when you spot golden ragwort growing. Fairies love it! Walk gently around toadstools.
67. Leave open space in your home for the invisible to become visible. Don’t clutter or crowd your home with useless stuff.
68. Fire fairies love candles, lamps, lights, sun images, triangles and red colors. Archangel Michael is the angelic guardian of fire fairies.
69. Earth or gnome fairies love clay pots, bricks, stones, square shapes, yellows, browns and orange colors. Archangel Uriel is the angelic guardian of earth fairies.
70. Etheric or air fairies love domes, round shapes, coins, kitchenware, clocks and colors that are silver. Archangel Raphael is the angelic guardian of air fairies.
71. Water fairies love fountains, ponds, fish tanks, mirrors, glass and blue colors. Archangel Gabriel is the angelic guardian of the water fairies.
72. Look for fairies when you see rainbows.
73. Talk to children about fairies. Let them tell you of their beliefs. Let a child draw a fairy picture for you.
74. Go barefoot on the grass. You’ll be giving Mother Nature a foot massage and the fairies will tickle your toes.
75. Feel the wind blowing through your hair. Experience the wind knowing that the wind is experiencing you, too.
76. Rest upon the earth and watch the white fluffy clouds float by. Imagine the fairies resting right beside you.
77. Imagine the fairies giving you a special secret name. What would the name be?
78. Be a fairy godmother to someone and fulfill a wish for them.
79. Recognize that the fairies are an Ancient Race. Honor their wisdom.
80. Buy a jar of bubbles and set the bubbles free from the jar.
Fairies love bubbles.
81. Pickup a seashell and know that the fairies of the ocean are calling to you.
82. Just because you don’t see something, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. It means your eyes aren’t fully open yet.
83. Rent the movie Fairy Tale: A True Story. Invite the fairies to watch the movie with you.
84. Purchase a deck of Inner Child Cards. These wonderful cards draw on fairy tales to assist us on our spiritual path.
85. Support the fairies in their effort to bring relief to waters of the earth. Consider adding a bird bath, waterfall or fishpond to your backyard to attract fairies, birds and wildlife.
86. Observe people and think about people who look like fairies disguised as humans.
87. Read Ted Andrews’ Enchantment of the Fairy Kingdom.
88. Study botany. Learn about plants, flowers and trees.
89. Use the Fairy Ring or Faeries’ Oracle as a communication
tool with the fairies.
90. When orbs and spheres appear in your photographs, you have just taken a fairy’s picture.
89. Ask the fairies how you can help heal the earth; be a partner
with the fairies in your garden. Listen to their wisdom.
88. Buy a pair of wings. Let your spirit fly!
89. Be creative. Creativity is magnetic to fairies.
90. Read Lord of the Rings; rent the DVDs.
91. Put up bird feeders and birdhouses.
92. When you sense fairies are near, know that they are.
93. Fairies love fruit trees. They use blossoms for clothing.
94. Read Dorothy Maclean “Oh Hear the Angels Sing” and
learn about magical Findhorn, Scotland.
95. Assist the fairies in lightweaving assignments to healing the Mother Earth. Fairies spin and weave healing energie
96. Buy little doors and place them inside and outside your
home to remind you of the reality of doors to other worlds. Look for doorways in nature. They are symbolic that nature’s door is open; waiting for you to enter.
97. Read Shakespeare.
98. Place circles of stones in your garden as a fairy ring.
99. Shiny wind chimes, bright gazing globes delight fairies.
100. Have a fairy reading with Jayne.
101. Make a pledge to be a friend to the fairy. Celebrate the joy of
Fairy Fellowship.
If you want to get to know the fairies, dedicate a meditation experience to exploring the word FAIRY followed by one of the words listed below, i.e. I am opening to FAIRY ZIP.
Fairy Fellowship@
Copyrighted May, 2006
Jayne Howard Feldman
Angel Heights
Healing Arts Center
P. O. Box 95
Upperco, MD 21155
1-866-peace2u (1-866-732-2328)
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Dear Angelic Blog Buddies:
I love inspiring quotations. John Milton's words truly describe the day I had yesterday. "Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendant moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world."
In short: I am so grateful to God for the transcendant moments of awe that I experienced yesterday.
Chuck and I drove to Washington, DC as we had tickets for the opening day of the National Geographic Museum's exhibit: Terra Cotta Warriors: Guardians of China's First Emperor. For those of you near to Washington, DC, I recommend attending the exhibit which is at the National Geographic Museum through March 31, 2010.
In my lectures, I share the importance of paying attention to when powerful art is on the move around the world. Art on the move is symbolic of powerful creative energy moving. This exhibit brought energies from the east to the west. Because Kwan Yin is an Ascended Being and guardian of the etheric realm over China, in an essence Kwan Yin's awesome energy has come to Washington, DC. As some of the descriptions share, this exhibit is a triumph of craftsmanship and artistic mastery. I strongly recommend that if you do attend the exhibit, pay the extra $5 for the audio tour. I thank God that this amazing terra cotta army survived the ages and it's now here in Washington where I am able to see some pieces from this unbelievable archaeological find.
I loved listening to the audio and learning about the techniques used in creating this army; an army that were first created with the thought of honoring an Emperor who wanted to rule for eternity. Now in 2009 it is an army of artistic expression. I went away from the exhibit with the feeling that even though ego appeared to be victorious in the conception of this project and the grueling demands placed on the people who were the builders and artisans, it was creative artistic expression that was ruling supreme in 2009.
In her book TERRA COTTA WARRIORS, Jane Portal, senior curator at the British Museum, writes: "The terra cotta army of Qin Shihuangdi, the First Emperor of China (221-210 BC), is one of the most spectacular finds in world archaeology. It was discovered by chance in 1974 - a garrison of battle-ready formation, spread across a number of pits. Here were life-sized warriors made over two thousand years ago from fired clay: cavalry, archers and infantry; lowly foot soldiers and high-ranking officers; figures of varying ages, with different hairstyles and facial expressions and seemingly representing every racial group in China - more than 6,000 in all."
The exhibit appeared at The Bowers Museum of Cultural Art in Santa Ana, California, the Houston Museum of Natural Science and is concluding its 2008-2010 United States tour at the National Geographic Museum in DC.
Before we went through the exhibit, I was wandering through the gift shop and saw the official catalog. I like to purchase catalogs for the exhibits I see and I'll share why a little bit later in this blog. I can do my own artistic life review from the collection of art exhibit catalogs I have gathered through my lifetime. There's something sacred about an art exhibit catalog. It mirrors to me the phenomenal effort that goes into museums bringing an exhibit from one part of the world to another. It is no small feat. One thing I love so much about the weekly spiritual class in my home, is that my class members are really great art scouts in telling me what they have heard is coming to Baltimore, DC and Philadelphia. My dear friend, Judy Stipanovich, in Pittsburgh is a great art scout, too.
The photographs were breathtaking, beautiful and awe-inspiring. Chuck and I agreed that due to the size of the catalog, we would purchase the catalog after touring the exhibit.
When Chuck and I concluded the tour, I walked from the end of the exhibit into the gift shop and there before me was a very distinguished looking Asian man seated behind a table preparing to autograph the catalog for the exhibit. The man at the table was Wang da Gang, the photographer of the images in the official catalog. After he signed my book, he rose and bowed to me. I bowed to him and proceeded to thank him abundantly for the wonderful blessing he is in capturing in photographs these incredible works of art. I thank God for cameras, photographers and photographs that inspire me.
While we were at the National Geographic Museum, I was crossing the courtyard by myself and realized that a man was walking towards me. I quickly recognized him. It was Simcha Jacobovic the Naked Archaeologist. Chuck and I watch and love his program on The History Channel. I excitedly said to him, "You're the Naked Archaeologist, aren't you?!" He admitted he was. I told him that I didn't want to come off as a total flake, but I adored his show and would it be ok if I gave him a big hug of gratitude as he is such a blessing. He agreed and so I hugged him big time and kept thanking him for his research. I thank God for brilliant researchers like Simcha.
Chuck and I then drove to Georgetown because we wanted to dine at a restaurant owned by Mauirico Sepulveda, a man who I first met through his attendance at classes I held, and since has become a dear friend.
The restaurant is: Los Cuates located at 1564 Wisconsin Avenue NW in Washington, DC. The restaurant phone number is 202-965-7009. The website is
The restaurant is delightful in ambiance and the food is scrumptious Mexican food. After we finished our fantastic meal, our friends surprised us by treating us to the most wonderful dessert: Tres Leche Cake. The dessert is made with 3 types of cream. It is cake and then has something on top that is like an ice cream. When you cut into the cake, cream flows in every direction. I am convinced this is a recipe that was given to the chef by the angels. You have a heavenly experience when you eat it. So if by chance you get to Los Cuates, you must save room for Tres Leche Cake. I am someone who is truly grateful for desserts. And this dessert was awe-inspiring; it is truly divine. I thank God for desserts.
A lot of times in our lives, the stresses of our work day just seem to take the best of us. It takes all of our energy to get ourselves home at the end of the day and then we just don't feel inspired to do much of anything but collapse into a chair. Sometimes my mind feels too tired to read words.
When I am having this type of low energy experience, I like to play a cd of inspiring music in the background, and then reach for an art book or art exhibit catalog. The cabinet in which I keep my art catalogs is a kind of "good medicine" cabinet for me. I slowly turn the pages of the catalog and let myself be nurtured by the art. It is as if the art angels say to me, "Come to art, Jayne. Let art take your tiredness from you and replace it with divine inspiration found in the beautiful. Be healed by beauty."
This activity gives me an opportunity to revisit an exhibit I saw in the past, or be inspired by art images of a photographer or painter. It becomes an experience of beauty for my eyes, ears, mind, heart and soul. I find it to be a mini-healing.
I recommend the website:
At this website you will find information on how art heals including the following statements: "Scientific studies tell us that art heals by changing a person's physiology and attitude...Art and music affect every cell in the body instantly to create a healing physiology that changes the immune system and blood flow to all the fact it is now known by neurophysiologists that art, prayer and healing all come from the same source in the body, they all are associated with similar brain wave patterns, mind body changes and they all are deeply connected in feeling and meaning."
Let art bless you and heal you. There's no coincidence that you will find the letters that spell "art" inside the word heart.
Heal your heart with art.
Love in abundance, Jayne
I love inspiring quotations. John Milton's words truly describe the day I had yesterday. "Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendant moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world."
In short: I am so grateful to God for the transcendant moments of awe that I experienced yesterday.
Chuck and I drove to Washington, DC as we had tickets for the opening day of the National Geographic Museum's exhibit: Terra Cotta Warriors: Guardians of China's First Emperor. For those of you near to Washington, DC, I recommend attending the exhibit which is at the National Geographic Museum through March 31, 2010.
In my lectures, I share the importance of paying attention to when powerful art is on the move around the world. Art on the move is symbolic of powerful creative energy moving. This exhibit brought energies from the east to the west. Because Kwan Yin is an Ascended Being and guardian of the etheric realm over China, in an essence Kwan Yin's awesome energy has come to Washington, DC. As some of the descriptions share, this exhibit is a triumph of craftsmanship and artistic mastery. I strongly recommend that if you do attend the exhibit, pay the extra $5 for the audio tour. I thank God that this amazing terra cotta army survived the ages and it's now here in Washington where I am able to see some pieces from this unbelievable archaeological find.
I loved listening to the audio and learning about the techniques used in creating this army; an army that were first created with the thought of honoring an Emperor who wanted to rule for eternity. Now in 2009 it is an army of artistic expression. I went away from the exhibit with the feeling that even though ego appeared to be victorious in the conception of this project and the grueling demands placed on the people who were the builders and artisans, it was creative artistic expression that was ruling supreme in 2009.
In her book TERRA COTTA WARRIORS, Jane Portal, senior curator at the British Museum, writes: "The terra cotta army of Qin Shihuangdi, the First Emperor of China (221-210 BC), is one of the most spectacular finds in world archaeology. It was discovered by chance in 1974 - a garrison of battle-ready formation, spread across a number of pits. Here were life-sized warriors made over two thousand years ago from fired clay: cavalry, archers and infantry; lowly foot soldiers and high-ranking officers; figures of varying ages, with different hairstyles and facial expressions and seemingly representing every racial group in China - more than 6,000 in all."
The exhibit appeared at The Bowers Museum of Cultural Art in Santa Ana, California, the Houston Museum of Natural Science and is concluding its 2008-2010 United States tour at the National Geographic Museum in DC.
Before we went through the exhibit, I was wandering through the gift shop and saw the official catalog. I like to purchase catalogs for the exhibits I see and I'll share why a little bit later in this blog. I can do my own artistic life review from the collection of art exhibit catalogs I have gathered through my lifetime. There's something sacred about an art exhibit catalog. It mirrors to me the phenomenal effort that goes into museums bringing an exhibit from one part of the world to another. It is no small feat. One thing I love so much about the weekly spiritual class in my home, is that my class members are really great art scouts in telling me what they have heard is coming to Baltimore, DC and Philadelphia. My dear friend, Judy Stipanovich, in Pittsburgh is a great art scout, too.
The photographs were breathtaking, beautiful and awe-inspiring. Chuck and I agreed that due to the size of the catalog, we would purchase the catalog after touring the exhibit.
When Chuck and I concluded the tour, I walked from the end of the exhibit into the gift shop and there before me was a very distinguished looking Asian man seated behind a table preparing to autograph the catalog for the exhibit. The man at the table was Wang da Gang, the photographer of the images in the official catalog. After he signed my book, he rose and bowed to me. I bowed to him and proceeded to thank him abundantly for the wonderful blessing he is in capturing in photographs these incredible works of art. I thank God for cameras, photographers and photographs that inspire me.
While we were at the National Geographic Museum, I was crossing the courtyard by myself and realized that a man was walking towards me. I quickly recognized him. It was Simcha Jacobovic the Naked Archaeologist. Chuck and I watch and love his program on The History Channel. I excitedly said to him, "You're the Naked Archaeologist, aren't you?!" He admitted he was. I told him that I didn't want to come off as a total flake, but I adored his show and would it be ok if I gave him a big hug of gratitude as he is such a blessing. He agreed and so I hugged him big time and kept thanking him for his research. I thank God for brilliant researchers like Simcha.
Chuck and I then drove to Georgetown because we wanted to dine at a restaurant owned by Mauirico Sepulveda, a man who I first met through his attendance at classes I held, and since has become a dear friend.
The restaurant is: Los Cuates located at 1564 Wisconsin Avenue NW in Washington, DC. The restaurant phone number is 202-965-7009. The website is
The restaurant is delightful in ambiance and the food is scrumptious Mexican food. After we finished our fantastic meal, our friends surprised us by treating us to the most wonderful dessert: Tres Leche Cake. The dessert is made with 3 types of cream. It is cake and then has something on top that is like an ice cream. When you cut into the cake, cream flows in every direction. I am convinced this is a recipe that was given to the chef by the angels. You have a heavenly experience when you eat it. So if by chance you get to Los Cuates, you must save room for Tres Leche Cake. I am someone who is truly grateful for desserts. And this dessert was awe-inspiring; it is truly divine. I thank God for desserts.
A lot of times in our lives, the stresses of our work day just seem to take the best of us. It takes all of our energy to get ourselves home at the end of the day and then we just don't feel inspired to do much of anything but collapse into a chair. Sometimes my mind feels too tired to read words.
When I am having this type of low energy experience, I like to play a cd of inspiring music in the background, and then reach for an art book or art exhibit catalog. The cabinet in which I keep my art catalogs is a kind of "good medicine" cabinet for me. I slowly turn the pages of the catalog and let myself be nurtured by the art. It is as if the art angels say to me, "Come to art, Jayne. Let art take your tiredness from you and replace it with divine inspiration found in the beautiful. Be healed by beauty."
This activity gives me an opportunity to revisit an exhibit I saw in the past, or be inspired by art images of a photographer or painter. It becomes an experience of beauty for my eyes, ears, mind, heart and soul. I find it to be a mini-healing.
I recommend the website:
At this website you will find information on how art heals including the following statements: "Scientific studies tell us that art heals by changing a person's physiology and attitude...Art and music affect every cell in the body instantly to create a healing physiology that changes the immune system and blood flow to all the fact it is now known by neurophysiologists that art, prayer and healing all come from the same source in the body, they all are associated with similar brain wave patterns, mind body changes and they all are deeply connected in feeling and meaning."
Let art bless you and heal you. There's no coincidence that you will find the letters that spell "art" inside the word heart.
Heal your heart with art.
Love in abundance, Jayne
Monday, November 2, 2009
Trusting in Divine Timing
Dear Angelic Blog Buddies:
Many of you know from reading my first book, Commune With the Angels, and from my sharing information about myself at lectures,I grew up on a dairy farm in Maryland. My folks owned the second oldest farm of continuous family ownership in the state of Maryland up until my Dad sold the farm just before his death. Dad sold the farm to a large farming corporation owned by the Lippy Brothers. The Lippy Brothers have farmland here in the USA and also in South America.
I live directly across from my childhood homestead. Every day as we drove down our home's driveway, I would come face to face with radical changes being made to the farm by the new owners. I realize that a new broom sweeps clean; however, I found myself having to process on a daily basis emotional feelings about the farm as I knew it growing up, and the farm as it was today with changes being made.
One day I came face to face with huge equipment and trucks taking down the barns on the homestead property. I watched as the hay barn was taken down; the silo; the milking barn. I cannot even begin to tell you all the memories that flooded my mind and feeling a sickness in my stomach to what I was witnessing.
To add to the emotions, it seemed like it took forever for them to remove the huge pile of lumber and tin that had accumulated from the destruction of the buildings. It was as if one day I came down from our house and saw the barns and silo intact, and the next day there was sheer destruction going on before my eyes. I was witnessing big piles of tin roofing and lumber. To me it looked like a big chaotic mess. I commented to my husband, Chuck, that I wish they would just take everything away as I felt my heart was being pulled out from inside of me. I am someone who does not advocate drama; however, I was a real drama queen about this.
They finally did remove everything and about a few weeks later I asked Chuck to drive us onto the property. As I got out of the car, I stood where the barns had once been and where I spent many happy hours as a little girl. As I looked at the radical changes, I truly felt I had landed on the moon. It was barren and unfamiliar. I had no emotion to the landscape. I don't know what I thought I would feel. The reality was that I felt nothing.
I remember getting back into the car and I was puzzled by the feeling of no emotion. And I remember wondering and asking myself if this non-emotion feeling would be what I was left with because of the radical changes that had been made to the property that held such a powerful heart connection for me for so many years of my life.
Now, those of you who have read my emails and heard me speak have heard me talk alot about detaching and the power that comes from letting go of things we are holding on to; also things we are allowing to have a hold onto us. A large part of my Angelic Feng Shui booklet is about releasing, letting go, clearing out to make room for the new.
I knew I was very attached to the homestead property and childhood memories connected to the property. I had felt that the changes made to the land and the buildings were a way in which the universe was helping me to embrace detachment and grow. However, there was something that was missing.
Yesterday I received an incredible phone call from my sister, Ginny. Ginny and her husband are moving from a horse farm they owned for 41 years into a home in an adult community. They are doing remodeling in the new home and are working with a fantastic builder who knew my parents and the farm they owned.
My sister requested wood known as barn siding to be used for the walls of her new home. The builder went to see a man in Pennsylvania who he does business with who carries barn siding. While visiting this man about a number of building projects, the builder mentioned Ginny's desire for barn siding for the walls in her new home. The man replied that the Lippy Brothers had just brought him a barn they had taken down that was part of a farm in Fowblesburg. The builder knew immediately it was my folks' farm; also Ginny's childhood homestead.
Ginny called to tell me that because of this amazing synchronicity of events, the walls of her home were going to be built with the hay barn's chestnut wood. The barn was taken down from its old form and will be transformed into a new life of being in my sister's new home and being part of the beautiful space of her home.
When I heard Ginny tell this story, I felt complete. The barn was transformed from the beauty of the past into beauty in the now. And just as occurs with the birthing of new beautiful stars, there is a time of chaos.
I think it's a wonderful story of trusting in divine timing. My first response to Ginny after she told me the fantastic news was, "That's God being God."
Angelic Blessings of Trusting in Divine Timing,
Love, Jayne
Many of you know from reading my first book, Commune With the Angels, and from my sharing information about myself at lectures,I grew up on a dairy farm in Maryland. My folks owned the second oldest farm of continuous family ownership in the state of Maryland up until my Dad sold the farm just before his death. Dad sold the farm to a large farming corporation owned by the Lippy Brothers. The Lippy Brothers have farmland here in the USA and also in South America.
I live directly across from my childhood homestead. Every day as we drove down our home's driveway, I would come face to face with radical changes being made to the farm by the new owners. I realize that a new broom sweeps clean; however, I found myself having to process on a daily basis emotional feelings about the farm as I knew it growing up, and the farm as it was today with changes being made.
One day I came face to face with huge equipment and trucks taking down the barns on the homestead property. I watched as the hay barn was taken down; the silo; the milking barn. I cannot even begin to tell you all the memories that flooded my mind and feeling a sickness in my stomach to what I was witnessing.
To add to the emotions, it seemed like it took forever for them to remove the huge pile of lumber and tin that had accumulated from the destruction of the buildings. It was as if one day I came down from our house and saw the barns and silo intact, and the next day there was sheer destruction going on before my eyes. I was witnessing big piles of tin roofing and lumber. To me it looked like a big chaotic mess. I commented to my husband, Chuck, that I wish they would just take everything away as I felt my heart was being pulled out from inside of me. I am someone who does not advocate drama; however, I was a real drama queen about this.
They finally did remove everything and about a few weeks later I asked Chuck to drive us onto the property. As I got out of the car, I stood where the barns had once been and where I spent many happy hours as a little girl. As I looked at the radical changes, I truly felt I had landed on the moon. It was barren and unfamiliar. I had no emotion to the landscape. I don't know what I thought I would feel. The reality was that I felt nothing.
I remember getting back into the car and I was puzzled by the feeling of no emotion. And I remember wondering and asking myself if this non-emotion feeling would be what I was left with because of the radical changes that had been made to the property that held such a powerful heart connection for me for so many years of my life.
Now, those of you who have read my emails and heard me speak have heard me talk alot about detaching and the power that comes from letting go of things we are holding on to; also things we are allowing to have a hold onto us. A large part of my Angelic Feng Shui booklet is about releasing, letting go, clearing out to make room for the new.
I knew I was very attached to the homestead property and childhood memories connected to the property. I had felt that the changes made to the land and the buildings were a way in which the universe was helping me to embrace detachment and grow. However, there was something that was missing.
Yesterday I received an incredible phone call from my sister, Ginny. Ginny and her husband are moving from a horse farm they owned for 41 years into a home in an adult community. They are doing remodeling in the new home and are working with a fantastic builder who knew my parents and the farm they owned.
My sister requested wood known as barn siding to be used for the walls of her new home. The builder went to see a man in Pennsylvania who he does business with who carries barn siding. While visiting this man about a number of building projects, the builder mentioned Ginny's desire for barn siding for the walls in her new home. The man replied that the Lippy Brothers had just brought him a barn they had taken down that was part of a farm in Fowblesburg. The builder knew immediately it was my folks' farm; also Ginny's childhood homestead.
Ginny called to tell me that because of this amazing synchronicity of events, the walls of her home were going to be built with the hay barn's chestnut wood. The barn was taken down from its old form and will be transformed into a new life of being in my sister's new home and being part of the beautiful space of her home.
When I heard Ginny tell this story, I felt complete. The barn was transformed from the beauty of the past into beauty in the now. And just as occurs with the birthing of new beautiful stars, there is a time of chaos.
I think it's a wonderful story of trusting in divine timing. My first response to Ginny after she told me the fantastic news was, "That's God being God."
Angelic Blessings of Trusting in Divine Timing,
Love, Jayne
Friday, October 23, 2009
Dear Angelic Blog Buddies:
Angelic Blessings of joy to each and every one of you. I just returned home from speaking at the For Purpose, Inc. Conference held annually in October in Virginia Beach, Virginia. This year was the 17th annual conference.
The conference began in 1993 (interestingly enough the same year as Be An Angel Day was inspired by the angels) and was birthed out of a spiritual community and network that was woven together by people who got to know each other through attending classes and intensives organized by the brilliant astrologer Buz Myers. Robert Kent "Buz" Myers was the founder of For Purpose, Inc. and the Creater of "Cycles, A Guide for Daily Living" which was the foundation inspiration for the astrology intensives he held.
Buz was also the author of a book entitled, "Getting on Time with Your Life". Buz's book helps people understand the phases of the moon and how they affect our lives. He was an amazing man who was a fantastic speaker with a wonderful sense of humor. I had the opportunity to hear him speak at a number of conferences and always went away feeling electrified by Buz's lectures.
Sadly, Buz died in March, 2000, but I know he was beaming down from heaven upon all the conference participants. You can learn more about the spiritual community known as For Purpose, Inc. which is dedicated to the healing arts at the website:
The conference organizers give a folder of wonderful information to each participant. Included in the packet is a sheet entitled: ABUNDANCE CHECKS.
This is a technique or spiritual tool that we can use to create more abundance in our lives. I am going to share this information with you because it is a technique I have been sharing with my classes for many moons and use it in my own life. It's simple and easy and really works.
Within 24 hours after a New Moon, take a check from your check book. Where it says "Pay to," write your name.
In the little box on the same line where you would fill in a dollar amount, write "Paid in full."
On the line underneath your name, where you would write out a dollar amount, write "Paid in full."
Sign the check: "The Law of Abundance."
Do not write a specific dollar amount on the check. Put it in a safe place and forget about it for a month; until the next new moon rolls around. In your check book where you keep track of checks written, on the line where you would put what the check is for, write something like, "Check for Abundance" or "Abundance Gift."
When the next new moon comes, you will once again take a new blank check from your check book and follow the same ritual as above. Before putting the check away in a safe place, write around the edges of the check all the blessings you have received over the past month. Acknowledge abundant gifts both great and small. Then put the check away for safe-keeping. You will find that in a few months' time, the new moon checks you create will be filled up with all your notations of thankfulness for all God has done for you. When you focus on being grateful, your draw more to yourself to be grateful for.
You have also brought out the check you wrote the month prior. Say a prayer of thanksgiving over this check and then safely light a match and release the check through fire. While the checks burn, continue to thank God for all your blessings.
The New Moon Dates for the next few months are:
November 16, 2009
December 16, 2009
January 15, 2010
Love, Jayne
Angelic Blessings of joy to each and every one of you. I just returned home from speaking at the For Purpose, Inc. Conference held annually in October in Virginia Beach, Virginia. This year was the 17th annual conference.
The conference began in 1993 (interestingly enough the same year as Be An Angel Day was inspired by the angels) and was birthed out of a spiritual community and network that was woven together by people who got to know each other through attending classes and intensives organized by the brilliant astrologer Buz Myers. Robert Kent "Buz" Myers was the founder of For Purpose, Inc. and the Creater of "Cycles, A Guide for Daily Living" which was the foundation inspiration for the astrology intensives he held.
Buz was also the author of a book entitled, "Getting on Time with Your Life". Buz's book helps people understand the phases of the moon and how they affect our lives. He was an amazing man who was a fantastic speaker with a wonderful sense of humor. I had the opportunity to hear him speak at a number of conferences and always went away feeling electrified by Buz's lectures.
Sadly, Buz died in March, 2000, but I know he was beaming down from heaven upon all the conference participants. You can learn more about the spiritual community known as For Purpose, Inc. which is dedicated to the healing arts at the website:
The conference organizers give a folder of wonderful information to each participant. Included in the packet is a sheet entitled: ABUNDANCE CHECKS.
This is a technique or spiritual tool that we can use to create more abundance in our lives. I am going to share this information with you because it is a technique I have been sharing with my classes for many moons and use it in my own life. It's simple and easy and really works.
Within 24 hours after a New Moon, take a check from your check book. Where it says "Pay to," write your name.
In the little box on the same line where you would fill in a dollar amount, write "Paid in full."
On the line underneath your name, where you would write out a dollar amount, write "Paid in full."
Sign the check: "The Law of Abundance."
Do not write a specific dollar amount on the check. Put it in a safe place and forget about it for a month; until the next new moon rolls around. In your check book where you keep track of checks written, on the line where you would put what the check is for, write something like, "Check for Abundance" or "Abundance Gift."
When the next new moon comes, you will once again take a new blank check from your check book and follow the same ritual as above. Before putting the check away in a safe place, write around the edges of the check all the blessings you have received over the past month. Acknowledge abundant gifts both great and small. Then put the check away for safe-keeping. You will find that in a few months' time, the new moon checks you create will be filled up with all your notations of thankfulness for all God has done for you. When you focus on being grateful, your draw more to yourself to be grateful for.
You have also brought out the check you wrote the month prior. Say a prayer of thanksgiving over this check and then safely light a match and release the check through fire. While the checks burn, continue to thank God for all your blessings.
The New Moon Dates for the next few months are:
November 16, 2009
December 16, 2009
January 15, 2010
Love, Jayne
Sunday, October 11, 2009
The Inspirational Nature of St. Michael
Dear Angelic Blog Buddies:
Like many of you, I am someone who loves studying numbers, numerology, and masters of the study of numbers. Pythagorus, the Father of Arithmetic, studied the science of numbers and discovered that everything that exists is vibration.
I truly believe that numbers are one of the infinite ways that the divine communicates with us. A perfect example is our birthdate. Just think how many times an individual writes or gives the numbers that make up their birthdate throughout a lifetime. Everytime we give our birthdate, we are in an essence making a statement: this is who I am as expressed as the vibration of the numbers connected with the day I was born. When we research the meaning or qualities of the numbers that are important to us, we get a glimpse of ourselves mirrored back to us by the numbers.
In my divine dialogue with Archangel Michael, I have been asked to share inspiration about two dates that are coming up in November. The first is November 1, 2009 and the second is November 11, 2009. If you write these dates as numbers you will see the dates are written as follows:
11 1 11 (2009=11) or 11111
11 11 11 or 111111
Michael is inspiring us to think of these two days as powerful BLESSING DAYS.
Michael's name in Hebrew means: he who is like God. He is an archangel who God has given the assignment to protect us and to inspire us to embrace the gifts God has given us so we can be in service to God here on earth. Michael inspires us to be the light and love of God in everything we do. Michael's mission is to keep us on our spiritual paths so we are embracing our divine identity of being like God's goodness.
If someone would ask me, "If Michael is helping us to remember to be like God, what one way could we be more God-like?" My response would be: Be a blessing.
Seventeen years ago, when the angels gave me the assignment to establish BE AN ANGEL DAY, I was given the motto: Be an angel. Do one small act of service. Be a blessing in someone's life.
A wonderful affirmation to start your day is to say: Lord, let me glorify and exalt you by being a blessing to everyone I meet and everything I do today.
Divine, supreme God energies are attracted to us and radiated from us through the act of blessing. I love the song from Godspell: All Good Gifts. The lyrics include these words: All good gifts around us, are sent from heaven above. We thank you Lord. We thank you Lord for your love. We really want to thank you, Lord.
All blessings are sent from heaven. We were sent here to earth from heaven to be a blessing. When we open ourselves to being walking, talking, breathing blessings, we are experiencing the highest frequency of vibration. God is pure, eternal blessing energy.
When we think of numerology, and recognize God as the never-ending circle of blessings and goodness, the first number vibration that begins with creation is the number one - 1.
November 1st and November 11th are dates that radiate the vibration of 1's and 11's.
One is the message of aligning ourselves as close to God as possible. Be the light of God. Be a blessing of light. Be the love of God. Be a blessing of love.
Michael is inspiring us to be a God blessing. Be someone who is like God by being a blessing.
The 11 is known as a master number and is the message of vibrating with inspiration, and fulfillment of hopefulness. Michael has shared the message that the number 11 is made up of two 1's - the first 1 is God's vision of us; the second 1 is us living our lives striving to embrace God's divine vision as our reality.
Years ago, Michael gave me the message that the anti-Christ was upon the earth and its name is: hopelessness.
When we give up hope, we stop letting God be God. God is infinite blessings and infinite hope. Sometimes we ourselves give our power over to fears, doubts and uncertainty about the future. In those moments we are being inspired to move ourselves closer to God. We are being inspired to let go of the fears and let God bless us. We are being inspired to be earth angels of hope and be - like Archangel Michael - messengers of hopefulness and goodness. We, too, become messengers of being like God in that we radiate God's blessings to ourselves and others.
In our darkest moments, we are being inspired to remember the words written by the Psalmist: Quicken me, O Lord, with Thy loving kindness.
Our doubts and fears slow down our vibration and we can even feel depressed by the molasses like energies. There are grades of frequencies with the highest being the Immortal Spirit of God. When we are going through challenging times, this is the time to go to God and offer our emotions, moods, and thoughts to God for vibrational healing and ask for a blessing of God's quickening vibration that is aligned and attuned to God's loving kindness.
You've heard the blessing: Godspeed. It means just that: be vibrating at the speed of God. To go at Godspeed is to live life vibrating at the speed of goodness, loving kindness and blessings.
Godspeed to each and everyone of you.
Love, Jayne
Like many of you, I am someone who loves studying numbers, numerology, and masters of the study of numbers. Pythagorus, the Father of Arithmetic, studied the science of numbers and discovered that everything that exists is vibration.
I truly believe that numbers are one of the infinite ways that the divine communicates with us. A perfect example is our birthdate. Just think how many times an individual writes or gives the numbers that make up their birthdate throughout a lifetime. Everytime we give our birthdate, we are in an essence making a statement: this is who I am as expressed as the vibration of the numbers connected with the day I was born. When we research the meaning or qualities of the numbers that are important to us, we get a glimpse of ourselves mirrored back to us by the numbers.
In my divine dialogue with Archangel Michael, I have been asked to share inspiration about two dates that are coming up in November. The first is November 1, 2009 and the second is November 11, 2009. If you write these dates as numbers you will see the dates are written as follows:
11 1 11 (2009=11) or 11111
11 11 11 or 111111
Michael is inspiring us to think of these two days as powerful BLESSING DAYS.
Michael's name in Hebrew means: he who is like God. He is an archangel who God has given the assignment to protect us and to inspire us to embrace the gifts God has given us so we can be in service to God here on earth. Michael inspires us to be the light and love of God in everything we do. Michael's mission is to keep us on our spiritual paths so we are embracing our divine identity of being like God's goodness.
If someone would ask me, "If Michael is helping us to remember to be like God, what one way could we be more God-like?" My response would be: Be a blessing.
Seventeen years ago, when the angels gave me the assignment to establish BE AN ANGEL DAY, I was given the motto: Be an angel. Do one small act of service. Be a blessing in someone's life.
A wonderful affirmation to start your day is to say: Lord, let me glorify and exalt you by being a blessing to everyone I meet and everything I do today.
Divine, supreme God energies are attracted to us and radiated from us through the act of blessing. I love the song from Godspell: All Good Gifts. The lyrics include these words: All good gifts around us, are sent from heaven above. We thank you Lord. We thank you Lord for your love. We really want to thank you, Lord.
All blessings are sent from heaven. We were sent here to earth from heaven to be a blessing. When we open ourselves to being walking, talking, breathing blessings, we are experiencing the highest frequency of vibration. God is pure, eternal blessing energy.
When we think of numerology, and recognize God as the never-ending circle of blessings and goodness, the first number vibration that begins with creation is the number one - 1.
November 1st and November 11th are dates that radiate the vibration of 1's and 11's.
One is the message of aligning ourselves as close to God as possible. Be the light of God. Be a blessing of light. Be the love of God. Be a blessing of love.
Michael is inspiring us to be a God blessing. Be someone who is like God by being a blessing.
The 11 is known as a master number and is the message of vibrating with inspiration, and fulfillment of hopefulness. Michael has shared the message that the number 11 is made up of two 1's - the first 1 is God's vision of us; the second 1 is us living our lives striving to embrace God's divine vision as our reality.
Years ago, Michael gave me the message that the anti-Christ was upon the earth and its name is: hopelessness.
When we give up hope, we stop letting God be God. God is infinite blessings and infinite hope. Sometimes we ourselves give our power over to fears, doubts and uncertainty about the future. In those moments we are being inspired to move ourselves closer to God. We are being inspired to let go of the fears and let God bless us. We are being inspired to be earth angels of hope and be - like Archangel Michael - messengers of hopefulness and goodness. We, too, become messengers of being like God in that we radiate God's blessings to ourselves and others.
In our darkest moments, we are being inspired to remember the words written by the Psalmist: Quicken me, O Lord, with Thy loving kindness.
Our doubts and fears slow down our vibration and we can even feel depressed by the molasses like energies. There are grades of frequencies with the highest being the Immortal Spirit of God. When we are going through challenging times, this is the time to go to God and offer our emotions, moods, and thoughts to God for vibrational healing and ask for a blessing of God's quickening vibration that is aligned and attuned to God's loving kindness.
You've heard the blessing: Godspeed. It means just that: be vibrating at the speed of God. To go at Godspeed is to live life vibrating at the speed of goodness, loving kindness and blessings.
Godspeed to each and everyone of you.
Love, Jayne
Friday, August 28, 2009
Pilgrimage as a Way of Life
Dear Angelic Blog Buddies:
I want to share inspirations I am receiving from reading a great book by Jim Forest. The book is: The Road to Emmaus; Pilgrimage as a Way of Life. Jim is going to be at Bon Secours Spiritual Retreat Center here in Maryland on October 10th. Jim resides in the Netherlands.
I have always been intrigued with the consciousness of being a pilgrim on a spiritual path. We are all truly on pilgrimages with every step that we take. I see our life as "the road" or "the path".
I have participated in many angelic adventures where I have actually made a pilgrimage to a sacred site or shrine and have come to recognize that they are simply enhanced experiences of what is occuring every day.
I am going to share here some of the thoughts Jim shares in his book. They are stimulating and thought provoking for me, and it is my hope that they may trigger some contemplation for you, too.
Human history is the history of roads.
Both the Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings are a celebration of roads. For Tolkein, it wasn't roads in plural but simply the Road.
Walking and praying while you are walking is a spiritual practice of a pilgrim.
"The fundamental action of a human being is walking upright." - Benedicta Ward, To Be A Pilgrim.
When we make time for prayer at the beginning and end of each day, with islands of prayer, however brief in between, daily life becomes an event of a pilgrimage.
One of the hallmarks of pilgrimage is an attitude of silence.
"We cannot find God in noise or agitation. Nature, trees, flowers and grass grow in silence. The stars, the moon and the sun move in silence." Mother Teresa
Saints mirror to us lives that were on a constant journey and the pilgrim's road is not an easy one.
St. Teresa of Avila, a true pilgrim, was the target of passionate opposition from the church hierachy. Her writings were the subject of investigation by the Spanish Inquisition. "I am really much more afraid of those who have so great a fear of the devil, she wrote in her a autobiography, "than I am of the devil himself. Satan can do me no harm whatever, but they can trouble me very much."
The Celts refer to a place where ordinary matter seems charged with God's Presence as "thin places." It is where the veil is thin. Jim discusses Iona, Scotland as an example of one of those thin places.
Just as we experience places of great light on our pilgrim's path, we also experience dark places and dark paths, i.e. battlefields, places of tortue or mass execution; the hiding place of Anne Frank and her family.
Jim also writes about the spiritual support offered by relics and labyrinths. Many of you know I have a deep fondness for both. Additionally, Jim discusses how an illness can become a pilgrim's journey for us.
Jim also includes Thomas Merton's words from Mystics and Zen Masters. Merton mirrors the thought of regarding our life as one continuous pilgrimage; filled with inner and outer journeys.
"The geographical pilgrimage is the symbolic acting out of an inner journey. The inner journey is the interpolation of the meanings and signs of the outer journey. One can have one without the other. It is better to have both."
This past weekend I had the joy of listening to a woman convey her experience as a pilgrim on the path to Santiago de Compostela. She was on the path for over a month,which included walking over mountains. She indicated that at the beginning of her pilgrimage, she shipped a lot of items home as the key was to carry as light a load as possible.
It was wonderful hearing how the people of the villages are supportive of the pilgrims. I have read of people walking this pilgrim's path; however, it was inspiring to be sitting at a table hearing someone who did it, and to experience her sharing what the experience was for her personally.
At the conclusion of the pilgrimage, there is a church where the pilgrims receive some sort of document affirming their accomplishment. There are masses held throughout the day which both tourists and pilgrims can attend. This precious woman shared that in celebration of her accomplishment she attended three masses. She radiated with the joy of fulfillment of a huge spiritual goal. You could tell that the document didn't matter to her; she was on her own God-high. I experienced God-high energies from just listening to her.
I am certain all of us have had God-high moments in perhaps exotic and far-away places. You may have had a pilgrimage experience going to New York City and seeing a Broadway show that changes your life in a literary way. These experiences are exhilirating and memorable. And equally grace-filled are the simple day to day joys of walking with God as we fulfill our daily tasks. It's all encountering God wherever we are; whatever we are doing.
Angelic blessings to you, fellow pilgrims on the road of life. May your life be lived with a divine consciousness that you are walking with God every moment; every second; every heartbeat and breath.
Love in abundance, Jayne
I want to share inspirations I am receiving from reading a great book by Jim Forest. The book is: The Road to Emmaus; Pilgrimage as a Way of Life. Jim is going to be at Bon Secours Spiritual Retreat Center here in Maryland on October 10th. Jim resides in the Netherlands.
I have always been intrigued with the consciousness of being a pilgrim on a spiritual path. We are all truly on pilgrimages with every step that we take. I see our life as "the road" or "the path".
I have participated in many angelic adventures where I have actually made a pilgrimage to a sacred site or shrine and have come to recognize that they are simply enhanced experiences of what is occuring every day.
I am going to share here some of the thoughts Jim shares in his book. They are stimulating and thought provoking for me, and it is my hope that they may trigger some contemplation for you, too.
Human history is the history of roads.
Both the Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings are a celebration of roads. For Tolkein, it wasn't roads in plural but simply the Road.
Walking and praying while you are walking is a spiritual practice of a pilgrim.
"The fundamental action of a human being is walking upright." - Benedicta Ward, To Be A Pilgrim.
When we make time for prayer at the beginning and end of each day, with islands of prayer, however brief in between, daily life becomes an event of a pilgrimage.
One of the hallmarks of pilgrimage is an attitude of silence.
"We cannot find God in noise or agitation. Nature, trees, flowers and grass grow in silence. The stars, the moon and the sun move in silence." Mother Teresa
Saints mirror to us lives that were on a constant journey and the pilgrim's road is not an easy one.
St. Teresa of Avila, a true pilgrim, was the target of passionate opposition from the church hierachy. Her writings were the subject of investigation by the Spanish Inquisition. "I am really much more afraid of those who have so great a fear of the devil, she wrote in her a autobiography, "than I am of the devil himself. Satan can do me no harm whatever, but they can trouble me very much."
The Celts refer to a place where ordinary matter seems charged with God's Presence as "thin places." It is where the veil is thin. Jim discusses Iona, Scotland as an example of one of those thin places.
Just as we experience places of great light on our pilgrim's path, we also experience dark places and dark paths, i.e. battlefields, places of tortue or mass execution; the hiding place of Anne Frank and her family.
Jim also writes about the spiritual support offered by relics and labyrinths. Many of you know I have a deep fondness for both. Additionally, Jim discusses how an illness can become a pilgrim's journey for us.
Jim also includes Thomas Merton's words from Mystics and Zen Masters. Merton mirrors the thought of regarding our life as one continuous pilgrimage; filled with inner and outer journeys.
"The geographical pilgrimage is the symbolic acting out of an inner journey. The inner journey is the interpolation of the meanings and signs of the outer journey. One can have one without the other. It is better to have both."
This past weekend I had the joy of listening to a woman convey her experience as a pilgrim on the path to Santiago de Compostela. She was on the path for over a month,which included walking over mountains. She indicated that at the beginning of her pilgrimage, she shipped a lot of items home as the key was to carry as light a load as possible.
It was wonderful hearing how the people of the villages are supportive of the pilgrims. I have read of people walking this pilgrim's path; however, it was inspiring to be sitting at a table hearing someone who did it, and to experience her sharing what the experience was for her personally.
At the conclusion of the pilgrimage, there is a church where the pilgrims receive some sort of document affirming their accomplishment. There are masses held throughout the day which both tourists and pilgrims can attend. This precious woman shared that in celebration of her accomplishment she attended three masses. She radiated with the joy of fulfillment of a huge spiritual goal. You could tell that the document didn't matter to her; she was on her own God-high. I experienced God-high energies from just listening to her.
I am certain all of us have had God-high moments in perhaps exotic and far-away places. You may have had a pilgrimage experience going to New York City and seeing a Broadway show that changes your life in a literary way. These experiences are exhilirating and memorable. And equally grace-filled are the simple day to day joys of walking with God as we fulfill our daily tasks. It's all encountering God wherever we are; whatever we are doing.
Angelic blessings to you, fellow pilgrims on the road of life. May your life be lived with a divine consciousness that you are walking with God every moment; every second; every heartbeat and breath.
Love in abundance, Jayne
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Soul Mirroring Experiences
Dear Angelic Blog Buddies:
I'm certain each of us have moments in our lives when we read a book and there is a passage that gives us an experience of confirming something we have felt but had never put it in words ourselves. We have felt something but have never expressed it ourselves or have someone express it for us. When it does occur, through perhaps reading it in a book, it is as if the author is mirroring our soul to us. It can be a soul shuttering experience because of the intimacy of the thought expressed.
I want to share one of my own personal experiences.
A few years ago Chuck and I went to Niagra Falls and on our way we stayed at a bed and breakfast in Corning, New York. The owners of the bed and breakfast had obtained in an estate sale a letter that had been written by Helen Keller. The owners had framed the letter and had it on display in their dining room. I can remember to this day, reading the letter and feeling my soul resonant in oneness with Helen's words. The letter is an absolute treasure. Let me first share the letter with you:
"93 Seminole Avenue
Forest Hills, New York
October 18, 1929
Dear Miss Kinscella:
In reply to your letter received this morning, I would say, my way of "seeing and hearing" the outer world is difficult to analyze. Indeed, I am almost convinced that my impressions cannot be expressed, except in mystical symbolism. When I try to tell people my idea of natural phenomena beyond the reach of my hands, I am profoundly troubled by the remoteness of my inner life, and yet the intensity of it is fresh and throbbing as a physical reality. Things perceived by the spirit are imperfectly inarticulate. Only the greatest poets can put into words shades of soul experience.
I put my hand on the violin or the sensitive diaphragm of the radio, and my body is flooded with rhythmical vibrations. My mind transmutes the silvery nerve-thrills into bird-songs and wind-songs, the tripping of tiny streams, the fluttering of moth and bee, the tremulous lisping of leaves. Thus my conception of music is built up of association and analogy.
I am extremely sensitive not only to musical vibration, but also to the exhalation of flowers. Beside their delicate texture and fragrance, I feel a Soul in them. That is what I mean by the personality of flowers. Subtly they suggest human attributes. Some flowers are friendly, adapting themselves to our moods. The rose lends itself to all our human experiences like a versatile companion. Some flowers have shy spirits that seem embarrassed when I touch them. The mimosa actually shrinks from the human hand. Other flowers caress my palm with tenderest speech of curling petal and rustling leaf. Every one feels the modesty of the violet and the thought that looks out of the upturned face of the pansy. Who does not welcome the big laugh of the peony, the childlike gaiety of daffodils, the mystical quality of the lilacs, the pungent good sense of chrysanthemums and marigolds. Any one can see the geraniums are cheerful, good-natured, work-a-day friends of man, and that the sunflower is an optimist, keeping its face ever towards the sun.
Professor Villey, a blind Frenchman, believes that my pleasure in music and color is derived through autosuggestion rather than perception. I imagine that is true, but it is also true of every one else.
Sincerely yours
Helen Keller"
As I read Helen Keller's words, I felt I was witnessing a brilliant artisan at work painting a masterpiece of the beauty of flowers through words. In particular, her words: "I am extremely sensitive not only to musical vibrations, but also to the exhalation of flowers. Beside their delicate texture and fragrance, I feel a Soul in them." was a soul mirroring experience for me.
I am someone who is sensitive to the breath of nature. Julie Andrews sang the words, "The hills are alive with the sound of music." I love these lyrics for I experience nature's breath, in particular the exhalation of nature. If you allow yourself, you can experience the breath of nature and the outbreathing of the flowers, trees and mountains, which for me is an experience of being enfolded in a tremendous vibration of love. I love nature and whenever I am in nature and allow myself to be still, I am sensitive to the enfolding, enveloping, loving outbreath that holds me like a divine caress. I sometimes feel the exhalation of nature is to remind me, through the breath of nature, that I too, am here to grow, blossom and bloom. Nature shares its breath with me to rejuvenate me; revitalize and revive me.
I interpret creation, or worlds being created for example, as the divine breathing out. When the divine breathes out, the invisible becomes visible. It does not have to be in the form of matter immediately. For example, I can be in nature, experiencing the exhalation of the flowers' breath, and an inspiration comes into my mind, i.e a thought takes form.
I am someone who encourages people to become familiar with Scotland's Findhorn, and America's own Findhorn-type gardens, i.e. Perelandra and Green Hope Farm. Perelandra's bookstore offers the Medical Assistance Program (MAP) book which is a wonderful spiritual reference for learning how to serve with nature's devas and elementals.
Molly Sheehan, in her wonderful Green Hope Farm guidebooks, records the messages of the flowers, which is a way of capturing the energies of the holy outbreath or exhalation of the flowers.
I believe that flower essences capture the energy of the holy breath of heaven and when we take essences, we are giving ourselves the blessing of receiving healing of divine resuscitation.
You've all heard the phrase, "Make time to stop and smell the roses." When we stop and smell roses, we are making time to breathe in the rose's exhalation of the heavenly vibration of love. Another way to experience of the exhalation of the rose is through essential oils, ie. anointing ourselves with essential oils.
The frequency of a healthy body ranges anywhere from 62 to 78Hz (units of frequency) with a frequency lower than 50Hz increasing your risk for illness such as cancer. Body frequency level can be changed by our thoughts, behaviors and the way we treat ourselves.
Dramatic frequency numbers begin to appear when talking about essential oils which are the vital power of plants. Scientific research has shown that essential oils vibrate on the highest frequency levels known and can produce environments where no disease, bacteria or viruse can survive. Most essential oil frequencies start at 52Hz and reach a maximum vibration of 320Hz which is the vibration of rose oil. Rose oil emanates the highest energy vibration of all known oils. Studies have proven that a drop of essential oil placed on a human foot can deliver its information into each and every cell in your body within 21 minutes. That's the exhalation of roses in action.
Flowers are divine healers. They exhale God's healing energies. Flowers bring us back to life with their exquisite beauty and healing breath.
Love in abundance, Jayne
I'm certain each of us have moments in our lives when we read a book and there is a passage that gives us an experience of confirming something we have felt but had never put it in words ourselves. We have felt something but have never expressed it ourselves or have someone express it for us. When it does occur, through perhaps reading it in a book, it is as if the author is mirroring our soul to us. It can be a soul shuttering experience because of the intimacy of the thought expressed.
I want to share one of my own personal experiences.
A few years ago Chuck and I went to Niagra Falls and on our way we stayed at a bed and breakfast in Corning, New York. The owners of the bed and breakfast had obtained in an estate sale a letter that had been written by Helen Keller. The owners had framed the letter and had it on display in their dining room. I can remember to this day, reading the letter and feeling my soul resonant in oneness with Helen's words. The letter is an absolute treasure. Let me first share the letter with you:
"93 Seminole Avenue
Forest Hills, New York
October 18, 1929
Dear Miss Kinscella:
In reply to your letter received this morning, I would say, my way of "seeing and hearing" the outer world is difficult to analyze. Indeed, I am almost convinced that my impressions cannot be expressed, except in mystical symbolism. When I try to tell people my idea of natural phenomena beyond the reach of my hands, I am profoundly troubled by the remoteness of my inner life, and yet the intensity of it is fresh and throbbing as a physical reality. Things perceived by the spirit are imperfectly inarticulate. Only the greatest poets can put into words shades of soul experience.
I put my hand on the violin or the sensitive diaphragm of the radio, and my body is flooded with rhythmical vibrations. My mind transmutes the silvery nerve-thrills into bird-songs and wind-songs, the tripping of tiny streams, the fluttering of moth and bee, the tremulous lisping of leaves. Thus my conception of music is built up of association and analogy.
I am extremely sensitive not only to musical vibration, but also to the exhalation of flowers. Beside their delicate texture and fragrance, I feel a Soul in them. That is what I mean by the personality of flowers. Subtly they suggest human attributes. Some flowers are friendly, adapting themselves to our moods. The rose lends itself to all our human experiences like a versatile companion. Some flowers have shy spirits that seem embarrassed when I touch them. The mimosa actually shrinks from the human hand. Other flowers caress my palm with tenderest speech of curling petal and rustling leaf. Every one feels the modesty of the violet and the thought that looks out of the upturned face of the pansy. Who does not welcome the big laugh of the peony, the childlike gaiety of daffodils, the mystical quality of the lilacs, the pungent good sense of chrysanthemums and marigolds. Any one can see the geraniums are cheerful, good-natured, work-a-day friends of man, and that the sunflower is an optimist, keeping its face ever towards the sun.
Professor Villey, a blind Frenchman, believes that my pleasure in music and color is derived through autosuggestion rather than perception. I imagine that is true, but it is also true of every one else.
Sincerely yours
Helen Keller"
As I read Helen Keller's words, I felt I was witnessing a brilliant artisan at work painting a masterpiece of the beauty of flowers through words. In particular, her words: "I am extremely sensitive not only to musical vibrations, but also to the exhalation of flowers. Beside their delicate texture and fragrance, I feel a Soul in them." was a soul mirroring experience for me.
I am someone who is sensitive to the breath of nature. Julie Andrews sang the words, "The hills are alive with the sound of music." I love these lyrics for I experience nature's breath, in particular the exhalation of nature. If you allow yourself, you can experience the breath of nature and the outbreathing of the flowers, trees and mountains, which for me is an experience of being enfolded in a tremendous vibration of love. I love nature and whenever I am in nature and allow myself to be still, I am sensitive to the enfolding, enveloping, loving outbreath that holds me like a divine caress. I sometimes feel the exhalation of nature is to remind me, through the breath of nature, that I too, am here to grow, blossom and bloom. Nature shares its breath with me to rejuvenate me; revitalize and revive me.
I interpret creation, or worlds being created for example, as the divine breathing out. When the divine breathes out, the invisible becomes visible. It does not have to be in the form of matter immediately. For example, I can be in nature, experiencing the exhalation of the flowers' breath, and an inspiration comes into my mind, i.e a thought takes form.
I am someone who encourages people to become familiar with Scotland's Findhorn, and America's own Findhorn-type gardens, i.e. Perelandra and Green Hope Farm. Perelandra's bookstore offers the Medical Assistance Program (MAP) book which is a wonderful spiritual reference for learning how to serve with nature's devas and elementals.
Molly Sheehan, in her wonderful Green Hope Farm guidebooks, records the messages of the flowers, which is a way of capturing the energies of the holy outbreath or exhalation of the flowers.
I believe that flower essences capture the energy of the holy breath of heaven and when we take essences, we are giving ourselves the blessing of receiving healing of divine resuscitation.
You've all heard the phrase, "Make time to stop and smell the roses." When we stop and smell roses, we are making time to breathe in the rose's exhalation of the heavenly vibration of love. Another way to experience of the exhalation of the rose is through essential oils, ie. anointing ourselves with essential oils.
The frequency of a healthy body ranges anywhere from 62 to 78Hz (units of frequency) with a frequency lower than 50Hz increasing your risk for illness such as cancer. Body frequency level can be changed by our thoughts, behaviors and the way we treat ourselves.
Dramatic frequency numbers begin to appear when talking about essential oils which are the vital power of plants. Scientific research has shown that essential oils vibrate on the highest frequency levels known and can produce environments where no disease, bacteria or viruse can survive. Most essential oil frequencies start at 52Hz and reach a maximum vibration of 320Hz which is the vibration of rose oil. Rose oil emanates the highest energy vibration of all known oils. Studies have proven that a drop of essential oil placed on a human foot can deliver its information into each and every cell in your body within 21 minutes. That's the exhalation of roses in action.
Flowers are divine healers. They exhale God's healing energies. Flowers bring us back to life with their exquisite beauty and healing breath.
Love in abundance, Jayne
Monday, August 10, 2009
Pinky, the Tarot Card Reading Jack Russell
Dear Angelic Blog Buddies:
Last Thursday evening I was on the telephone teaching a tele-conference class for an hour. Pinky, my little Jack Russell Terrier, was in my office with me. Since I was not paying attention to her or playing with her, Pinky decided to create her own play and occupy herself by getting into some mischief. The mischief she chose was to reach up to a shelf where I keep my divination cards, and pull two cards out of the stack of Voyager Tarot Cards. She then proceeded to totally destroy the two cards.
When I finished the telephone class, I turned my chair around from my desk and saw Pinky sitting on my office sofa. She was so very proud of herself and her accomplishment of taking two whole cards and transforming them into a million little pieces. She flashed her big happy Pinky smile at me because I was now focused on her.
Some of you may remember one of my past blogs where I talked about divination tools such as spiritual card decks and how once at a conference where I had passed around a deck of my SPIRITUAL cards for people to use in drawing cards for messages, a man who was seated in the back of the room commented when he received the cards, that he didn't think I had a full deck. When I looked at what Pinky had done to the two Voyager cards, my first thought was that I truly didn't have a full deck.
And then I decided to see what two cards Pinky had removed from the deck. Once I did this, I was esctastic with my newly revised "minus two" deck of cards.
Thanks to Pinky there's NO MORE DULLNESS and CONFUSION.
Pinky, the Tarot Card Reading Dog, is inspiring all of us to live our lives with curiosity, enthusiasm and imagination and to release (or chew up) dullness. The word dull comes from an Old English word: dol which means foolish. Webster's describes being dull as being without spirit. So Pinky is motivating all of us to live our lives with spirit. Pinky wants us to know that quite frankly it is foolish not to live spiritual lives. Webster's describes dull as not bright. Pinky is reminding us that we are here to shine and shine brightly.
Confusion is the state of being confused. Confuse means to jumble up, mix up mentally, perturb or perplex oneself. The word confusion comes from the Latin confundere which derived from com (meaning together) and fundere (to pour). So in an essence, confusion is allowing mixed up messages to be poured into our minds and lives. Pinky wants us to live our lives without confusion. Pinky's affirmation is: I AM CHEWING UP CONFUSION. Pinky is inspiring us to remove confusion from our lives by focusing on what is important in our lives, i.e. what we truly value. For example, play is of the utmost importance to Pinky and so Pinky is very clear that every moment she isn't eating or sleeping is a moment to be spent playing.
Some years ago I did a week long class at a spiritual conference where I gave each participant a tee-shirt imprinted with the following message:
So let's embrace our divine identity, without dullness and confusion, and be the HAPPY CAMPERS we were created to be.
Love in Abundance, Jayne
Last Thursday evening I was on the telephone teaching a tele-conference class for an hour. Pinky, my little Jack Russell Terrier, was in my office with me. Since I was not paying attention to her or playing with her, Pinky decided to create her own play and occupy herself by getting into some mischief. The mischief she chose was to reach up to a shelf where I keep my divination cards, and pull two cards out of the stack of Voyager Tarot Cards. She then proceeded to totally destroy the two cards.
When I finished the telephone class, I turned my chair around from my desk and saw Pinky sitting on my office sofa. She was so very proud of herself and her accomplishment of taking two whole cards and transforming them into a million little pieces. She flashed her big happy Pinky smile at me because I was now focused on her.
Some of you may remember one of my past blogs where I talked about divination tools such as spiritual card decks and how once at a conference where I had passed around a deck of my SPIRITUAL cards for people to use in drawing cards for messages, a man who was seated in the back of the room commented when he received the cards, that he didn't think I had a full deck. When I looked at what Pinky had done to the two Voyager cards, my first thought was that I truly didn't have a full deck.
And then I decided to see what two cards Pinky had removed from the deck. Once I did this, I was esctastic with my newly revised "minus two" deck of cards.
Thanks to Pinky there's NO MORE DULLNESS and CONFUSION.
Pinky, the Tarot Card Reading Dog, is inspiring all of us to live our lives with curiosity, enthusiasm and imagination and to release (or chew up) dullness. The word dull comes from an Old English word: dol which means foolish. Webster's describes being dull as being without spirit. So Pinky is motivating all of us to live our lives with spirit. Pinky wants us to know that quite frankly it is foolish not to live spiritual lives. Webster's describes dull as not bright. Pinky is reminding us that we are here to shine and shine brightly.
Confusion is the state of being confused. Confuse means to jumble up, mix up mentally, perturb or perplex oneself. The word confusion comes from the Latin confundere which derived from com (meaning together) and fundere (to pour). So in an essence, confusion is allowing mixed up messages to be poured into our minds and lives. Pinky wants us to live our lives without confusion. Pinky's affirmation is: I AM CHEWING UP CONFUSION. Pinky is inspiring us to remove confusion from our lives by focusing on what is important in our lives, i.e. what we truly value. For example, play is of the utmost importance to Pinky and so Pinky is very clear that every moment she isn't eating or sleeping is a moment to be spent playing.
Some years ago I did a week long class at a spiritual conference where I gave each participant a tee-shirt imprinted with the following message:
So let's embrace our divine identity, without dullness and confusion, and be the HAPPY CAMPERS we were created to be.
Love in Abundance, Jayne
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Stand still
Dear Angelic Blog Buddies;
I can remember when I was a little girl and I wanted to go outside and play in new fallen snow, my mother would have to repeatedly remark to me to stand still while she was attempting to get a snowsuit on me or some sort of protective clothing.
Over the years, I have come to realize that standing still is something that my brain has a hard time computing. I do not do standing still well. Additionally, I have come to recognize that standing still is a very powerful form of healing.
In the Bible in Psalm 46:10, we read the words, "Be still and know that I am God".
The first spiritual divination tool I was introduced to by the angels was the Runes. I was inspired by the angels to create my own set of Runes made from broken pieces of sand dollars that I had collected at the beach. To this day it is my own personal belief that the Runes are one of the most intimate and personal of all divination tools.
There is a Rune that is called Isa. Of the 25 Runes it is No. 23. The Rune Isa looks like a lower case letter l. It is a single straight vertical line. It is a messenger of standing still; being patient. I always look at this Rune as the icicle Rune. It is filled with the power of the element of water. It has all the energy of a rainfall, waterfalls, an ocean; yet it is in a frozen or standing still state.
Sometimes in the past, when I had a question and wanted to know what I was to do, I would use the Runes and Isa sometimes appeared. I remember thinking, "Oh great, I am to do nothing." I really didn't like drawing that rune. The are many times I want to be flowing like a river and the Divine sends me a message that I need to stand still with the energy. Spirit tells me to chill out like an icicle.
Since the beginning of the year I have received inspirations from the angels as to the importance of rest in my life. There's so much change going on that it is overwhelming at times and it can be exhausting. In order to be nurturing to ourselves, we need to give ourselves permission to rest, pause, take naps, relax, chill out.
A good friend of mine gifted me a book by Macrina Wiederkehr: Seven Sacred Pauses - Living Mindfully Through the Hours of the Day. "Wiederhekr helps readers ...devote themselves to pausing - whether once a day or more frequently - the wisdom of living in the here and now and moving more harmoniously with the rhythm of day and night." The book is "an invitation to pause, pray, and live in tune with the spirit of each hour." I am certain that my angel team whispered to my girlfriend, "Give Jayne this book on sacred pauses; she needs the healing of the pause in her life."
I love anything that is connected with spiritual devotions aligned to the hours of the day. I recently attended a symposium at the Walters Art Gallery that was a gathering of brilliant researchers on the Book of Hours. However, I came to realize that I was reading and researching about the calling to pause; I just wasn't living it. I laughed at myself when I again looked at the title of the book: Seven Sacred Pauses. I wasn't allowing myself one pause let alone seven.
In contemplating how to help heal myself through pausing, resting, standing still I came to recognize how serious an imbalance this is in my life. Even though the sun sets at the end of each day, I wasn't. I'm the energizer bunny that keeps on going.I want to be constantly beating on that drum.
The angels were encouraging me to balance my life by taking a sabbatical or going on a retreat. For my solar return chart my Sun is in the 12th house. The 12th house is the house of giving oneself the gift of being invisible at times. The word sabbatical means to give rest at regular intervals.
I came to recognize I didn't understand what the Sabbath was all about either and how it was a gift of healing from God. The word Sabbath in Hebrew means the seventh. It was a consciousness that whatever was "the seventh" conveyed an energy of a time designated for repose and rest and rejuvenation. Every seventh year, fields were not to be tilled. They were given a year of rest. In Jewish law, the seventh day of the week was a day no one was allowed to do any work.
The Sabbath is a day of the week in certain religious practices, i.e. Saturday is recognized as a Sabbath day, and Sunday is also recognized as a Sabbath day. That is an abundant spiritual practice; however, for me I came to recognize that the Sabbath is the conscious choice of giving up constantly being in a doing/getting something done consciousness and entering into a stillness of being with God. It is a time to place ourselves in the lap of the divine and rest.
I remember in my childhood of growing up on a farm, my Mom and Dad both honored Sunday as the Sabbath. It was a day of going to church, coming home and sharing a special meal (there were certain foods that were for Sunday dinners only). Sunday was a day of resting. Life was lived at a slower pace on Sundays. I grew up when the Blue Laws were enforced. There was absolutely no shopping on Sundays. I remember many conversations in my home that the world was going to you know where because of having stores open on Sunday.
In a way my folks were right, we are experiencing Sabbath Deficiency Syndrome. We are lacking the goodness and healing we receive from stopping all the constant action and take regular intervals of rest. The Sabbath is about letting go and let ourselves fall into the arms of the divine. I think this is why I love Psalm 91 so much. It is a message that says if we place ourselves under God's wing, God will take care of everything. Words of Psalm 91 convey the message: God is my refuge; in God I trust. However, when I keep on doing everything from sunup to sundown, I am not embodying my belief in those words.
I do recognize that times change; however, I have been thinking to myself recently what a terrific idea God had in creating day and night and having the sun as the light during the day to support activities and having darkness at night in order to support rest and going to sleep so our bodies can rejuvenate. I am giving myslf the gift of going to bed earlier.
And an equally abundant idea is this idea of the Sabbath; a consciousness where we stop the doinginess and be with God. I have taken my appointment calendar this year and given myself Sabbath days;days of rest and rejuventation. I have to be truthful, some months I have really accomplished this and feel so happy about the healing in my life and some months I have resorted to old habits of being the bunny with the drum and I keep on drumming.
I also asked myself how I could give my physical body a rest, and I am doing days of fasting so my body isn't constantly having to be doing the bodily functions of digesting and eliminating. Some of you may know I was a pretty sick puppy the month of June from an on-going bout of bronchitis. Bronchitis affects the air passages of the lungs. I truly believe my body was telling me that I was sending air out through my service and healing activities, but I wasn't stopping and being still and letting air back in which would be a healing to me.
I have also given my mental and emotional bodies a Sabbath healing,too, by unplugging from newspapers and the television and computer news. I found that mentally and emotionally I was responding to all of the news and my body was constantly "doing responses" to where was Michael Jackson's body, who would be Michael Jackson's children's guardian, and how could Tony the football star dump Jessica the singer star via email the day before her birthday.
I am striving to find a balance of living in this world and still staying conscious I am not of this world. My world or reality is one of striving to achieve the balance of going out in the world and doing work and service for God and being a blessing, and then keep my own life in healthy balance by having an equal amount of time to rest and rejuvenate myself and be blessed by being still.
Love in Abundance, Jayne
I can remember when I was a little girl and I wanted to go outside and play in new fallen snow, my mother would have to repeatedly remark to me to stand still while she was attempting to get a snowsuit on me or some sort of protective clothing.
Over the years, I have come to realize that standing still is something that my brain has a hard time computing. I do not do standing still well. Additionally, I have come to recognize that standing still is a very powerful form of healing.
In the Bible in Psalm 46:10, we read the words, "Be still and know that I am God".
The first spiritual divination tool I was introduced to by the angels was the Runes. I was inspired by the angels to create my own set of Runes made from broken pieces of sand dollars that I had collected at the beach. To this day it is my own personal belief that the Runes are one of the most intimate and personal of all divination tools.
There is a Rune that is called Isa. Of the 25 Runes it is No. 23. The Rune Isa looks like a lower case letter l. It is a single straight vertical line. It is a messenger of standing still; being patient. I always look at this Rune as the icicle Rune. It is filled with the power of the element of water. It has all the energy of a rainfall, waterfalls, an ocean; yet it is in a frozen or standing still state.
Sometimes in the past, when I had a question and wanted to know what I was to do, I would use the Runes and Isa sometimes appeared. I remember thinking, "Oh great, I am to do nothing." I really didn't like drawing that rune. The are many times I want to be flowing like a river and the Divine sends me a message that I need to stand still with the energy. Spirit tells me to chill out like an icicle.
Since the beginning of the year I have received inspirations from the angels as to the importance of rest in my life. There's so much change going on that it is overwhelming at times and it can be exhausting. In order to be nurturing to ourselves, we need to give ourselves permission to rest, pause, take naps, relax, chill out.
A good friend of mine gifted me a book by Macrina Wiederkehr: Seven Sacred Pauses - Living Mindfully Through the Hours of the Day. "Wiederhekr helps readers ...devote themselves to pausing - whether once a day or more frequently - the wisdom of living in the here and now and moving more harmoniously with the rhythm of day and night." The book is "an invitation to pause, pray, and live in tune with the spirit of each hour." I am certain that my angel team whispered to my girlfriend, "Give Jayne this book on sacred pauses; she needs the healing of the pause in her life."
I love anything that is connected with spiritual devotions aligned to the hours of the day. I recently attended a symposium at the Walters Art Gallery that was a gathering of brilliant researchers on the Book of Hours. However, I came to realize that I was reading and researching about the calling to pause; I just wasn't living it. I laughed at myself when I again looked at the title of the book: Seven Sacred Pauses. I wasn't allowing myself one pause let alone seven.
In contemplating how to help heal myself through pausing, resting, standing still I came to recognize how serious an imbalance this is in my life. Even though the sun sets at the end of each day, I wasn't. I'm the energizer bunny that keeps on going.I want to be constantly beating on that drum.
The angels were encouraging me to balance my life by taking a sabbatical or going on a retreat. For my solar return chart my Sun is in the 12th house. The 12th house is the house of giving oneself the gift of being invisible at times. The word sabbatical means to give rest at regular intervals.
I came to recognize I didn't understand what the Sabbath was all about either and how it was a gift of healing from God. The word Sabbath in Hebrew means the seventh. It was a consciousness that whatever was "the seventh" conveyed an energy of a time designated for repose and rest and rejuvenation. Every seventh year, fields were not to be tilled. They were given a year of rest. In Jewish law, the seventh day of the week was a day no one was allowed to do any work.
The Sabbath is a day of the week in certain religious practices, i.e. Saturday is recognized as a Sabbath day, and Sunday is also recognized as a Sabbath day. That is an abundant spiritual practice; however, for me I came to recognize that the Sabbath is the conscious choice of giving up constantly being in a doing/getting something done consciousness and entering into a stillness of being with God. It is a time to place ourselves in the lap of the divine and rest.
I remember in my childhood of growing up on a farm, my Mom and Dad both honored Sunday as the Sabbath. It was a day of going to church, coming home and sharing a special meal (there were certain foods that were for Sunday dinners only). Sunday was a day of resting. Life was lived at a slower pace on Sundays. I grew up when the Blue Laws were enforced. There was absolutely no shopping on Sundays. I remember many conversations in my home that the world was going to you know where because of having stores open on Sunday.
In a way my folks were right, we are experiencing Sabbath Deficiency Syndrome. We are lacking the goodness and healing we receive from stopping all the constant action and take regular intervals of rest. The Sabbath is about letting go and let ourselves fall into the arms of the divine. I think this is why I love Psalm 91 so much. It is a message that says if we place ourselves under God's wing, God will take care of everything. Words of Psalm 91 convey the message: God is my refuge; in God I trust. However, when I keep on doing everything from sunup to sundown, I am not embodying my belief in those words.
I do recognize that times change; however, I have been thinking to myself recently what a terrific idea God had in creating day and night and having the sun as the light during the day to support activities and having darkness at night in order to support rest and going to sleep so our bodies can rejuvenate. I am giving myslf the gift of going to bed earlier.
And an equally abundant idea is this idea of the Sabbath; a consciousness where we stop the doinginess and be with God. I have taken my appointment calendar this year and given myself Sabbath days;days of rest and rejuventation. I have to be truthful, some months I have really accomplished this and feel so happy about the healing in my life and some months I have resorted to old habits of being the bunny with the drum and I keep on drumming.
I also asked myself how I could give my physical body a rest, and I am doing days of fasting so my body isn't constantly having to be doing the bodily functions of digesting and eliminating. Some of you may know I was a pretty sick puppy the month of June from an on-going bout of bronchitis. Bronchitis affects the air passages of the lungs. I truly believe my body was telling me that I was sending air out through my service and healing activities, but I wasn't stopping and being still and letting air back in which would be a healing to me.
I have also given my mental and emotional bodies a Sabbath healing,too, by unplugging from newspapers and the television and computer news. I found that mentally and emotionally I was responding to all of the news and my body was constantly "doing responses" to where was Michael Jackson's body, who would be Michael Jackson's children's guardian, and how could Tony the football star dump Jessica the singer star via email the day before her birthday.
I am striving to find a balance of living in this world and still staying conscious I am not of this world. My world or reality is one of striving to achieve the balance of going out in the world and doing work and service for God and being a blessing, and then keep my own life in healthy balance by having an equal amount of time to rest and rejuvenate myself and be blessed by being still.
Love in Abundance, Jayne
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Dear Angelic Blog Buddies:
On the morning of Tuesday, June 30th, my husband, Chuck called from our kitchen for me to come downstairs immediately. He said I needed to come quickly as something was terribly wrong with our 19-year old Jack Russell Benny. I flew down the stairway to the kitchen to find Benny in the midst of a grand seizure. His entire body was quaking and he was breathing intensely. He does take daily preventive seizure medicine and I gave him an additional pill in an attempt to help calm his little body. His body slowly returned to a state of calmness, but because of the seizure he was now experiencing the loss of his back legs. It was very sad watching his inability to get himself up. He repeatedly struggled to stand up, but couldn't.
We called the vet immediately and made an appointment to take him in as soon as possible to determine what was taking place. The appointment was in the afternoon.I sat with Benny in the morning and just couldn't stop crying thinking about what the prospect might be. I would carry him outside, and once again he would try to stand up on his own, but just couldn't.
Additionally, I was dealing with the emotions of knowing that on this same date - June 30th, two years ago in 2007 - my precious Jack Russell Jackie had gone home to God.
Prior to heading out to the vet, Benny started to slowly regain a little energy in his back legs. I scooped him up in my arms and Chuck drove us to the vet's office. As we were getting Benny situated in the back seat of the car, our 13 year-old Jack Russell female, Riot was watching us and thinking this was an ice cream run. As Riot is the Queen of our house and runs the place, she wasn't about to be left behind, so she jumped in the car and refused to get out. It becomes a game with Riot as she leaps from the front to the back of the car, always out of our reach. She won the game.
So Chuck was the driver with Benny, Riot and Jayne as his passengers in the back seat. (We left our three-year old Jack Russell, Pinky at home).
The vet did all types of tests including the test where Benny's legs were "thumped" with a teeny, tiny medical tool (just like the one used on humans to test reflexes- only a fairy size thumper). Benny's reflexes and responses were excellent. When the vet put Benny's legs in an incorrect position, Benny reoriented them in the correct position.
All types of tests were done and blood work was taken and the next day the results came back. I received a personal phone call from the vet. The vet told me how amazed she was with the results because Benny is 19 years old. She just couldn't get over the results. She stated that quite frankly, Benny's condition is miraculous. Benny's heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, red blood count - everything is in abundant good condition; in fact, downright unbelievable for a 19 year old dog. There were no large growths or tumors. Granted, Benny is almost totally blind because of cataracts and is very hard of hearing, but he's a walking miracle.
Even the medications Benny has been taken for seizures have had no negative impact on his organs. The vet indicated that if there was a grand seizure like the one the day prior, we would be able to give Benny an extra dosage of the medication as I had done. The vet felt that Benny's seizure just triggered old-age arthritis and that Benny's body (within the last 24 hours) worked the pain in the joints out to where he was now up and about again. What we were dealing with was arthritis and periodic seizures.
The vet concluded the assessment of Benny's health by giving me the following medical advice:
Just keeping on loving Benny the way you have been loving him.
I am sharing this with you, because sometimes life is downright overwhelming, stressful, zany, crazy,harsh,and unpredictable. Sometimes we just don't know what to do or how to handle what comes our way. I found such a comfort in the vet's words in how to care for Benny. It reminded me that when we are hanging on by a thread (which seems lately to be every day), to simply remember to just keep on loving. Loving God, loving ourselves, our pets, our families and friends. Just keep on loving.
Over the past week I have heard two quotations that I really love. The first is:
Meaning is not something you find;
Meaning is something that you give.
From the recent Benny Goes to the Vet experience, I recognize that the meaning I am striving to give to everything in my life is love.
The second quotation was stated last evening by a woman in an astrology class I attend. She said in so many words that OM/AUM is the primordial sound for this life and then said, "Imagine what the sound will be for the next life."
I love that inspiration because it stretches our mind to think about the evolution of sound. Imagine the sound for the next life or next expanded consciousness/reality or dimension of existance that we will encounter and experience. What comes to mind when you think about sound in the future?
Well, I thought about that. I thought of how the sound would be for me in some way equated with the continuation of love. Just as the vet's words inspired me, I was inspired in thinking that sounds of the future would be a way to keep on loving. And then I contemplated sound that keeps the love flowing for me.
Whenever Chuck and I go out to runs errands without the dogs with us and return home, as we are unlocking the house door, the most joyous sound to me is the distinctive barking of 3 Jack Russells. Benny, Riot and Pinky each have their own happy bark when we return home to them. It is so comforting to hear all 3 of them because I know in that instant that all 3 of them are a.ok. With the acapella barking, my heart overflows with love and joy. The acapella happy barks keeps the love flowing.
For Julie Andrews, maybe it's the hills that come alive with the sound of music. For Chuck and Jayne, it's our house and our hearts that come alive with the sound of barking of 3 Jack Russells welcoming us home.
Our pets truly are angels with fur. I think if any of you who are goofy like me about your pets, could have a choice between hearing a concert of a Celestial Choir or hear the purring or barking of a beloved pet in heaven, it would be a no-brainer on what we would choose. You can keep the Hallelujah Chorus. As for me, I want to be reunited with the Happy-lu-jah sounds of my beloved pets.
Just keep on loving.
Love to all, Jayne
On the morning of Tuesday, June 30th, my husband, Chuck called from our kitchen for me to come downstairs immediately. He said I needed to come quickly as something was terribly wrong with our 19-year old Jack Russell Benny. I flew down the stairway to the kitchen to find Benny in the midst of a grand seizure. His entire body was quaking and he was breathing intensely. He does take daily preventive seizure medicine and I gave him an additional pill in an attempt to help calm his little body. His body slowly returned to a state of calmness, but because of the seizure he was now experiencing the loss of his back legs. It was very sad watching his inability to get himself up. He repeatedly struggled to stand up, but couldn't.
We called the vet immediately and made an appointment to take him in as soon as possible to determine what was taking place. The appointment was in the afternoon.I sat with Benny in the morning and just couldn't stop crying thinking about what the prospect might be. I would carry him outside, and once again he would try to stand up on his own, but just couldn't.
Additionally, I was dealing with the emotions of knowing that on this same date - June 30th, two years ago in 2007 - my precious Jack Russell Jackie had gone home to God.
Prior to heading out to the vet, Benny started to slowly regain a little energy in his back legs. I scooped him up in my arms and Chuck drove us to the vet's office. As we were getting Benny situated in the back seat of the car, our 13 year-old Jack Russell female, Riot was watching us and thinking this was an ice cream run. As Riot is the Queen of our house and runs the place, she wasn't about to be left behind, so she jumped in the car and refused to get out. It becomes a game with Riot as she leaps from the front to the back of the car, always out of our reach. She won the game.
So Chuck was the driver with Benny, Riot and Jayne as his passengers in the back seat. (We left our three-year old Jack Russell, Pinky at home).
The vet did all types of tests including the test where Benny's legs were "thumped" with a teeny, tiny medical tool (just like the one used on humans to test reflexes- only a fairy size thumper). Benny's reflexes and responses were excellent. When the vet put Benny's legs in an incorrect position, Benny reoriented them in the correct position.
All types of tests were done and blood work was taken and the next day the results came back. I received a personal phone call from the vet. The vet told me how amazed she was with the results because Benny is 19 years old. She just couldn't get over the results. She stated that quite frankly, Benny's condition is miraculous. Benny's heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, red blood count - everything is in abundant good condition; in fact, downright unbelievable for a 19 year old dog. There were no large growths or tumors. Granted, Benny is almost totally blind because of cataracts and is very hard of hearing, but he's a walking miracle.
Even the medications Benny has been taken for seizures have had no negative impact on his organs. The vet indicated that if there was a grand seizure like the one the day prior, we would be able to give Benny an extra dosage of the medication as I had done. The vet felt that Benny's seizure just triggered old-age arthritis and that Benny's body (within the last 24 hours) worked the pain in the joints out to where he was now up and about again. What we were dealing with was arthritis and periodic seizures.
The vet concluded the assessment of Benny's health by giving me the following medical advice:
Just keeping on loving Benny the way you have been loving him.
I am sharing this with you, because sometimes life is downright overwhelming, stressful, zany, crazy,harsh,and unpredictable. Sometimes we just don't know what to do or how to handle what comes our way. I found such a comfort in the vet's words in how to care for Benny. It reminded me that when we are hanging on by a thread (which seems lately to be every day), to simply remember to just keep on loving. Loving God, loving ourselves, our pets, our families and friends. Just keep on loving.
Over the past week I have heard two quotations that I really love. The first is:
Meaning is not something you find;
Meaning is something that you give.
From the recent Benny Goes to the Vet experience, I recognize that the meaning I am striving to give to everything in my life is love.
The second quotation was stated last evening by a woman in an astrology class I attend. She said in so many words that OM/AUM is the primordial sound for this life and then said, "Imagine what the sound will be for the next life."
I love that inspiration because it stretches our mind to think about the evolution of sound. Imagine the sound for the next life or next expanded consciousness/reality or dimension of existance that we will encounter and experience. What comes to mind when you think about sound in the future?
Well, I thought about that. I thought of how the sound would be for me in some way equated with the continuation of love. Just as the vet's words inspired me, I was inspired in thinking that sounds of the future would be a way to keep on loving. And then I contemplated sound that keeps the love flowing for me.
Whenever Chuck and I go out to runs errands without the dogs with us and return home, as we are unlocking the house door, the most joyous sound to me is the distinctive barking of 3 Jack Russells. Benny, Riot and Pinky each have their own happy bark when we return home to them. It is so comforting to hear all 3 of them because I know in that instant that all 3 of them are a.ok. With the acapella barking, my heart overflows with love and joy. The acapella happy barks keeps the love flowing.
For Julie Andrews, maybe it's the hills that come alive with the sound of music. For Chuck and Jayne, it's our house and our hearts that come alive with the sound of barking of 3 Jack Russells welcoming us home.
Our pets truly are angels with fur. I think if any of you who are goofy like me about your pets, could have a choice between hearing a concert of a Celestial Choir or hear the purring or barking of a beloved pet in heaven, it would be a no-brainer on what we would choose. You can keep the Hallelujah Chorus. As for me, I want to be reunited with the Happy-lu-jah sounds of my beloved pets.
Just keep on loving.
Love to all, Jayne
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Dear Beautiful Blog Friends:
For the past two years I have been facilitating a monthly angelic message circle known as the IN THE LOOP group. We gather together the first Thursday night of each month via the telephone in a teleconference room. It has been a healing, blessing and enlightenment experience where earth angels and heavenly angels commune together. There are approximately 30 people from all across the USA who registered for this year's experience which will end next month. Each of the participants receives a personal message of upliftment and inspiration from the angels.
Prior to each teleclass gathering, I am inspired by the angels to sit at the computer and I become an scribe for the angels and bring a message to each person.
For the month of July it was getting pretty close to the time of the class on the first Thursday of the new month, and I had not been given the signal from the angels to sit down and take dictation. Needless to say, my spiritual self is trusting and obedient; however, my ego was starting to do a little dance called: The Freakout.
The morning of the actual teleclass, I was awoken by the angels and told to gather together all the decks of spiritual divination cards that I have purchased over the years. From the many decks that I brought together from the four corners of our home into my office, I was then inspired by the angels as to which spiritual deck was to be used for each of the IN THE LOOP members. A unique deck was chosen for each member of the sacred circle. Once the deck was chosen for each person, I was given a mini angel reading of 3 cards by the angels.
I am sharing this experience with you in my blog for a couple of reasons. The first is that I think that many of you reading this blog probably are like me and have a lot of decks or sets of spiritual divination cards. It was really wonderful revisiting them. In fact, it was downright joyful. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the artwork of the decks of cards; some of which I had totally forgotten about. It felt like a reunion experience with some dear friends from the past.
There are saints, crystal deva, mermaids, dolphins, Mayan, Toltec, fairy, tree, flowers, animal spirit,crystal skull, Runes,inner child, ally, dream, Celtic, sweet dreams/bedtime, tantric, goddess, crone, Avalon tarot, DaVinci tarot, alchemical tarot, templar tarot, kabbalah, I Ching card decks. There are Karma Angels, Angelic Messenger, Kabbalah Angels, Angel Blessings, Archangel Oracle, Angels, Gods and Goddesses, and my own SPIRITUALS deck - and this is just to name a few of the many, many decks and sets of spiritual divination cards on the planet.
Hallmark and the American Greeting companies have nothing on any one of us. We communicate with cards. I am honoring you as I write this blog to you for keeping the lines of communication with spirit open through the use of divination cards. There are times in all of our lives where we feel blocked and stagnate and we think we aren't hearing the divine. And even in those times of frustration, we have reached for a deck and drawn a card to inspire us on our path. We have invested in our spiritual growth through purchasing spiritual divination tools that envelop us in the beauty of the art and the inspiration of the messages.
We have listened with the ears of our heart to spirit through the inspirational cards that we keep near us on our nightstands. We have them in our cars. We keep them close to us on our desks, in our briefcases and pocketbooks. And some decks can be found on kitchen counters so we can take a card from a blessing bowl in the center of the kitchen table as we head out the door to work. We grab a piece of fruit for nourishing our body and a spiritual message card to nourish our soul.
We keep them in velvet or silk pouches or wooden boxes. I was as amazed as to the containers that I have chosen for the decks of cards as I was in remembering the decks. I delighted in being reminded that throughout the years I have been drawn to use items such as little girls' purses as sacred card containers.
Years ago during my angel lectures, I would take a deck of my SPIRITUALS and pass the deck around the audience at the beginning of my presentation. I asked everyone to draw one card and read the message and then put the card back into the deck as the angels might want someone else to read that same card as a message. I was speaking to a large audience and as the cards made their way to the back of the room, a gentleman spoke up and said, "Jayne, I don't think you have a full deck." That was one of the funniest moments ever. I responded by saying, "Sir, I hope that isn't a message you are channeling from spirit, but rather telling me about the status of the deck of SPIRITUALS.
I am sharing with you the 3 questions that I was asked by the angels to use in the
3-card reading so that if you are inspired to do so, you will get out a deck of cards you haven't used for awhile and have a reunion experience, too.
The questions are connected to Matthew 7:7 - Ask and ye shall receive; seek and ye shall find; knock and the door shall be opened.
1. Ask for a message from your I AM Presence with the first card drawn. The first card is a blessing to help you know yourself as your I AM Presence.
2. Seek to find your Divine Identity through the second card drawn. The second card will bring a blessing of an activity you can do to be closer to your divine identity.
3. Knock and the door of opportunity shall be opened to you. The third card drawn will reveal information about this door of opportunity that will be presenting itself to you shortly.
Here's wishing each and every one of you blessings of uplifting and inspired divine dialogue with your spiritual divination cards.
Love in abundance, Jayne
For the past two years I have been facilitating a monthly angelic message circle known as the IN THE LOOP group. We gather together the first Thursday night of each month via the telephone in a teleconference room. It has been a healing, blessing and enlightenment experience where earth angels and heavenly angels commune together. There are approximately 30 people from all across the USA who registered for this year's experience which will end next month. Each of the participants receives a personal message of upliftment and inspiration from the angels.
Prior to each teleclass gathering, I am inspired by the angels to sit at the computer and I become an scribe for the angels and bring a message to each person.
For the month of July it was getting pretty close to the time of the class on the first Thursday of the new month, and I had not been given the signal from the angels to sit down and take dictation. Needless to say, my spiritual self is trusting and obedient; however, my ego was starting to do a little dance called: The Freakout.
The morning of the actual teleclass, I was awoken by the angels and told to gather together all the decks of spiritual divination cards that I have purchased over the years. From the many decks that I brought together from the four corners of our home into my office, I was then inspired by the angels as to which spiritual deck was to be used for each of the IN THE LOOP members. A unique deck was chosen for each member of the sacred circle. Once the deck was chosen for each person, I was given a mini angel reading of 3 cards by the angels.
I am sharing this experience with you in my blog for a couple of reasons. The first is that I think that many of you reading this blog probably are like me and have a lot of decks or sets of spiritual divination cards. It was really wonderful revisiting them. In fact, it was downright joyful. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the artwork of the decks of cards; some of which I had totally forgotten about. It felt like a reunion experience with some dear friends from the past.
There are saints, crystal deva, mermaids, dolphins, Mayan, Toltec, fairy, tree, flowers, animal spirit,crystal skull, Runes,inner child, ally, dream, Celtic, sweet dreams/bedtime, tantric, goddess, crone, Avalon tarot, DaVinci tarot, alchemical tarot, templar tarot, kabbalah, I Ching card decks. There are Karma Angels, Angelic Messenger, Kabbalah Angels, Angel Blessings, Archangel Oracle, Angels, Gods and Goddesses, and my own SPIRITUALS deck - and this is just to name a few of the many, many decks and sets of spiritual divination cards on the planet.
Hallmark and the American Greeting companies have nothing on any one of us. We communicate with cards. I am honoring you as I write this blog to you for keeping the lines of communication with spirit open through the use of divination cards. There are times in all of our lives where we feel blocked and stagnate and we think we aren't hearing the divine. And even in those times of frustration, we have reached for a deck and drawn a card to inspire us on our path. We have invested in our spiritual growth through purchasing spiritual divination tools that envelop us in the beauty of the art and the inspiration of the messages.
We have listened with the ears of our heart to spirit through the inspirational cards that we keep near us on our nightstands. We have them in our cars. We keep them close to us on our desks, in our briefcases and pocketbooks. And some decks can be found on kitchen counters so we can take a card from a blessing bowl in the center of the kitchen table as we head out the door to work. We grab a piece of fruit for nourishing our body and a spiritual message card to nourish our soul.
We keep them in velvet or silk pouches or wooden boxes. I was as amazed as to the containers that I have chosen for the decks of cards as I was in remembering the decks. I delighted in being reminded that throughout the years I have been drawn to use items such as little girls' purses as sacred card containers.
Years ago during my angel lectures, I would take a deck of my SPIRITUALS and pass the deck around the audience at the beginning of my presentation. I asked everyone to draw one card and read the message and then put the card back into the deck as the angels might want someone else to read that same card as a message. I was speaking to a large audience and as the cards made their way to the back of the room, a gentleman spoke up and said, "Jayne, I don't think you have a full deck." That was one of the funniest moments ever. I responded by saying, "Sir, I hope that isn't a message you are channeling from spirit, but rather telling me about the status of the deck of SPIRITUALS.
I am sharing with you the 3 questions that I was asked by the angels to use in the
3-card reading so that if you are inspired to do so, you will get out a deck of cards you haven't used for awhile and have a reunion experience, too.
The questions are connected to Matthew 7:7 - Ask and ye shall receive; seek and ye shall find; knock and the door shall be opened.
1. Ask for a message from your I AM Presence with the first card drawn. The first card is a blessing to help you know yourself as your I AM Presence.
2. Seek to find your Divine Identity through the second card drawn. The second card will bring a blessing of an activity you can do to be closer to your divine identity.
3. Knock and the door of opportunity shall be opened to you. The third card drawn will reveal information about this door of opportunity that will be presenting itself to you shortly.
Here's wishing each and every one of you blessings of uplifting and inspired divine dialogue with your spiritual divination cards.
Love in abundance, Jayne
Sunday, May 31, 2009
The Healing Energies of Completion
Have you ever had so many irons in the fire, or juggling so many balls in the air at the same time, that you felt if you completed something - anything - it would be a major healing to your soul? Well, I've been feeling that way lately and decided to take a closer look at the healing energies of completion and accomplishing the experience of completion (even if on a small scale) in my life.
Completion originates with the Latin word: com (thoroughly) plere (to fill). When something is complete it is wholly finished. When we complete something, we accomplish the task. Jesus shared in his final statements made while on the cross the powerful words, "It is finished."
I encourage you to take a look at whatever needs to be completed in your life. I took a walk around our home with the Feng Shui Angels and took an inventory of what tasks were calling out and saying to me "finish me" or radiating an "incomplete" energy. I decided I would be totally honest with myself and get real on whether or not I even still wanted to complete some of the creative projects I had started.
Completion can occur by realizing you no longer want to finish the project and you liberate yourself from the weight of feeling incomplete about it. In short, you outgrew the idea. If you were a child, you wouldn't be trying to fit into a piece of clothing that you had outgrown. You would accept, "This doesn't fit me any longer" - and be done with it.
Some activities may speak to you that you still want to do them. I encourage you to make time to do the project or decide upon a time schedule for the project. Now, it may be a project that requires money to finish the task. If that is the case, then set up in your budget a column for putting a few dollars away, whenever possible, for the accomplishment of this project. A lot of times we put the pressure of waiting for a windfall to come our way in order to get tasks completed. Live life with ease and grace by setting aside a few dollars at a time and little by little the dollars will grow into the amount that is needed. In this way, you are moving towards completion by directing money (energy) to be saved towards the completion.
In Native American rituals the spiritual energies of the four directions (north, south, east and west) are honored and invoked in ceremonies. Infinite spirit/Great Spirit is honored as all energies originate from Creator, i.e. the mind of God.
When we find ourselves scattered in all directions, we can do a healing by bringing ourselves into one-mindedness. One-mindedness keeps us on our spiritual path. The one-mindedness thought I am suggesting is completion. A simple healing is to ask yourself: What task can I complete today?
The angels encourage us not to get caught in the "fret net". Fret comes from an Old English word (fretan) that means to devour. When we worry about things, we are literally allowing the worry to consume us or devour our energy. The healing is to refocus fretting energies to active completion energies. I encourage everyone to not only: Don't worry, be happy; but also - Don't worry, be busy completing what needs to get done or completed in your life. Nike has a slogan: Just do it.
We are being called to look at projects we can wrap up. Are there any cleaning projects in your home that you want to tackle and finish. Letting go of things that are no longer useful or purposeful or working is an act of completion. All of us know how great it feels when we can step back and say to ourselves, "I did it; it's finished; the job is completed." A powerful healing is experienced in completion.
This is a month of activity, i.e. the activity of completing. Complete:
Reading a book you started reading. Making phone calls you need to make. Writing letters you need to write. Cleaning out closets that need to be straightened up. Wrapping up loose ends in a nice bow and saying to yourself, "There, that's done. I completed that task."
All such projects require making time to complete the tasks. Pay attention to how you allow what was going to be a few minutes on the computer or watching TV to expand into lost time, i.e. where did the time go?
Be a time master this month. Sometimes, I look at the clock and make a note to myself of the time and then inspire myself to work for the next 15 minutes as focused as I can be on whatever project is at hand. Start the day spending a few moments thinking about what you plan to complete. Honor yourself at the end of the day by reflecting upon what was accomplished.
I recently read in the book Secrets of Simplicity by Mary Carlomagno that procrastination has a domino effect. It not only impacts what isn't being completed, but is taking energy away from something that is waiting to be started anew. The new cannot start because the unfinished it still taking up space. Completion is the act of closing old doors so that new doors can open.
In 1994, I remember when Archangel Michael inspired me to leave my job in order to work full time for the company of angels. I was hesitate because of fear of the unknown. What truly was the angelic motivation (or angelic kick in the butt) was when Michael said that there was someone who was waiting for me to get up out of the chair of the old job, so they could replace me. Michael said I would be quickly replaced and it would be a financial healing to the new employee. And he was right. I was replaced in less than a day and the woman even told me what a blessing the job was to her. I had to be the one who recognized I was complete in that job and needed to move forward. And when I resigned I said to my former employer, "I am leaving for no other reason than it is time to do so." It was time to close one chapter of my life and open the pages to a new chapter serving God in cooperation with the angels.
Another thought I loved in the book Secrets of Simplicity is the teaching that sacrifice comes from a place of powerful decision making. Deprivation comes from powerlessness. Embrace the power to choose what you are willing to sacrifice.
We may have to choose to make sacrifices in order to complete what needs to be finished but we are choosing to do what needs to be done. The fact that we are the ones making the decision empowers us.
Sometimes we feel that when we are completing chores, we are having to sacrifice fun time. I am sharing Mary's thought about sacrifice as it conveys that by choosing to sacrifice the time for play in order to complete chores, we are being powerful individuals and making positive decisions that support our spiritual growth.
The angels are emphasizing in a big way that completion is important as it brings healing to our lives. Before you leave any meetings, pause and ask yourself if you are complete in any assignments you were given as a result of the meeting, i.e. do you feel complete in knowing what is expected of you? I know we have all had experiences from attending meetings where we feel that we are more confused after the meeting than when we went into the meeting.
Another form of completion is being able to say no. When someone asks you something, and you definitely are not going to do it, say no. This completes the exchange and you have closed the door on you being the answer the person was seeking, and the person can go forward and find the answer another way.
When we are truthful with our no's, the space is created for the yes's that are attuned to the highest good for all involved.
Love in abundance, Jayne
Completion originates with the Latin word: com (thoroughly) plere (to fill). When something is complete it is wholly finished. When we complete something, we accomplish the task. Jesus shared in his final statements made while on the cross the powerful words, "It is finished."
I encourage you to take a look at whatever needs to be completed in your life. I took a walk around our home with the Feng Shui Angels and took an inventory of what tasks were calling out and saying to me "finish me" or radiating an "incomplete" energy. I decided I would be totally honest with myself and get real on whether or not I even still wanted to complete some of the creative projects I had started.
Completion can occur by realizing you no longer want to finish the project and you liberate yourself from the weight of feeling incomplete about it. In short, you outgrew the idea. If you were a child, you wouldn't be trying to fit into a piece of clothing that you had outgrown. You would accept, "This doesn't fit me any longer" - and be done with it.
Some activities may speak to you that you still want to do them. I encourage you to make time to do the project or decide upon a time schedule for the project. Now, it may be a project that requires money to finish the task. If that is the case, then set up in your budget a column for putting a few dollars away, whenever possible, for the accomplishment of this project. A lot of times we put the pressure of waiting for a windfall to come our way in order to get tasks completed. Live life with ease and grace by setting aside a few dollars at a time and little by little the dollars will grow into the amount that is needed. In this way, you are moving towards completion by directing money (energy) to be saved towards the completion.
In Native American rituals the spiritual energies of the four directions (north, south, east and west) are honored and invoked in ceremonies. Infinite spirit/Great Spirit is honored as all energies originate from Creator, i.e. the mind of God.
When we find ourselves scattered in all directions, we can do a healing by bringing ourselves into one-mindedness. One-mindedness keeps us on our spiritual path. The one-mindedness thought I am suggesting is completion. A simple healing is to ask yourself: What task can I complete today?
The angels encourage us not to get caught in the "fret net". Fret comes from an Old English word (fretan) that means to devour. When we worry about things, we are literally allowing the worry to consume us or devour our energy. The healing is to refocus fretting energies to active completion energies. I encourage everyone to not only: Don't worry, be happy; but also - Don't worry, be busy completing what needs to get done or completed in your life. Nike has a slogan: Just do it.
We are being called to look at projects we can wrap up. Are there any cleaning projects in your home that you want to tackle and finish. Letting go of things that are no longer useful or purposeful or working is an act of completion. All of us know how great it feels when we can step back and say to ourselves, "I did it; it's finished; the job is completed." A powerful healing is experienced in completion.
This is a month of activity, i.e. the activity of completing. Complete:
Reading a book you started reading. Making phone calls you need to make. Writing letters you need to write. Cleaning out closets that need to be straightened up. Wrapping up loose ends in a nice bow and saying to yourself, "There, that's done. I completed that task."
All such projects require making time to complete the tasks. Pay attention to how you allow what was going to be a few minutes on the computer or watching TV to expand into lost time, i.e. where did the time go?
Be a time master this month. Sometimes, I look at the clock and make a note to myself of the time and then inspire myself to work for the next 15 minutes as focused as I can be on whatever project is at hand. Start the day spending a few moments thinking about what you plan to complete. Honor yourself at the end of the day by reflecting upon what was accomplished.
I recently read in the book Secrets of Simplicity by Mary Carlomagno that procrastination has a domino effect. It not only impacts what isn't being completed, but is taking energy away from something that is waiting to be started anew. The new cannot start because the unfinished it still taking up space. Completion is the act of closing old doors so that new doors can open.
In 1994, I remember when Archangel Michael inspired me to leave my job in order to work full time for the company of angels. I was hesitate because of fear of the unknown. What truly was the angelic motivation (or angelic kick in the butt) was when Michael said that there was someone who was waiting for me to get up out of the chair of the old job, so they could replace me. Michael said I would be quickly replaced and it would be a financial healing to the new employee. And he was right. I was replaced in less than a day and the woman even told me what a blessing the job was to her. I had to be the one who recognized I was complete in that job and needed to move forward. And when I resigned I said to my former employer, "I am leaving for no other reason than it is time to do so." It was time to close one chapter of my life and open the pages to a new chapter serving God in cooperation with the angels.
Another thought I loved in the book Secrets of Simplicity is the teaching that sacrifice comes from a place of powerful decision making. Deprivation comes from powerlessness. Embrace the power to choose what you are willing to sacrifice.
We may have to choose to make sacrifices in order to complete what needs to be finished but we are choosing to do what needs to be done. The fact that we are the ones making the decision empowers us.
Sometimes we feel that when we are completing chores, we are having to sacrifice fun time. I am sharing Mary's thought about sacrifice as it conveys that by choosing to sacrifice the time for play in order to complete chores, we are being powerful individuals and making positive decisions that support our spiritual growth.
The angels are emphasizing in a big way that completion is important as it brings healing to our lives. Before you leave any meetings, pause and ask yourself if you are complete in any assignments you were given as a result of the meeting, i.e. do you feel complete in knowing what is expected of you? I know we have all had experiences from attending meetings where we feel that we are more confused after the meeting than when we went into the meeting.
Another form of completion is being able to say no. When someone asks you something, and you definitely are not going to do it, say no. This completes the exchange and you have closed the door on you being the answer the person was seeking, and the person can go forward and find the answer another way.
When we are truthful with our no's, the space is created for the yes's that are attuned to the highest good for all involved.
Love in abundance, Jayne
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The Pollen Path
On June 6,1989 my first husband, after 18 years of marriage, informed me that he was starting a new life without me. He stated that he would be moving out on June 30th. Needless to say, it was like an atom bomb had been dropped on my world. I am eternally grateful for God's support, guidance and strength and for the inspirations given to me by the angels in helping me put one foot in front of the other and move forward in my life. One of the angels' inspirations was to register for a week-long herbalist class held on a mountaintop in Vermont.
The class took place only a month or so after my husband's departure, so I was pretty much a shell-shocked woman. I flew to Vermont and my suitcase which departed with me in Baltimore didn't arrive with me in Montpelier. It would be days before it would show up. In looking back I know that God was helping me acclimate myself with the little unknowns, i.e. I didn't know where my clothes were;I didn't know when I would ever see them again, etc, and of course, the big unknowns, what would life be like on my own?
In the middle of the week the teacher - a master herbalist - taught us a Native American ritual of creating a prayer bundle. We each made a prayer bundle and then were instructed to go out into nature and find a tree we connected with. We were to hang the prayer bundle on the tree and release our prayers to God. I made my prayer bundle with the request that my suitcase would show up. I went to one of the biggest trees on the property as I wanted my prayer to go straight up to God. I attached my prayer bundle to one of the branches. I crawled out from underneath the tree and was walking on the road back to the house when I was approached by an automobile. The driver stopped and asked if I knew where he could find Jayne Howard as he had a suitcase to deliver to her. I remember being very impressed with the expediency of God's response to prayer bundles.
I greatly admire the woman who was my teacher. She is someone who has literally gone into a woods and has been able to find dinner in the plants and herbs. She epitomizes self-sufficiency and I know that God placed me in her care so that I would start believing in my own self-sufficiency. However, I wouldn't be truthful if I didn't admit that this was a very challenging week for me because of the emotions I was experiencing from the separation I was in the midst of and the divorce on the horizon.
I guess I was pretty pathetic and the woman took pity on me, because she suggested that maybe an emotional breakdown diversion would be for me to watch videos in the basement of her house. I am someone who loves going to the movies and watching videos. So I was thrilled with her suggestion. I went into the basement(a place of pure base chakra security/foundation energies) where the video player was and began watching a series I had never heard of before: The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell.
I now know that God guided me to Vermont to meet Joseph Campbell (via video) because the experience was life-changing. The diversion from emotional heartbreak became a passionate experience of pure heart joy. I loved the wisdom of Joseph Campbell. I couldn't wait for the herb classes to be over. During free time, when others were doing creative herby-type activities, I would go into the basement and put on another vhs tape. I was enchanted. I was mesmerized. I was reborn. There were so much that spoke to my soul in the six-part series. I drank in every word that Joseph Campbell spoke.
To this day, I remember the chills I got in hearing Dr. Campbell say the Sanskrit words, "Sat chit ananda" - Follow your bliss. He commented that one of his students from Sarah Lawrence University asked him, "Dr. Campbell, what is my bliss?" He replied, "That, dear one, is what you get to spend your life finding out." I felt he was speaking the words directly to me and my new life.
I was empowered by the wisdom shared of the Navaho having a powerful shamanic ritual that they call the pollen path. Pollen is the life source, The pollen path is the path to the center. Dr. Campbell shared the Navaho's wisdom words: "Oh, beauty before me, beauty behind me, beauty to the right of me, beauty to the left of me, beauty above me, beauty below me, I’m on the pollen path."
I didn't know what was ahead of me; however, I was choosing that my path would be the pollen path. From that moment forward, my life would be a path of beauty and bliss. Dr. Campbell explained in The Power of Myth videos that we are all on own hero's journey. The Pollen Path is such a journey. I could identify with our hearts being the hive and that we are called to be diligent to our sacred pollen path creating honey that is sweet to the Divine's lips.
Years later, in my travels I came across a Native Amrican sand painting of the Pollen Path. The art was created as part of a Navaho blessing ceremony. In researching the art I learned from Margaret Schevill Link's The Pollen Path and Joseph Campbell's Inner Space that the art depicts the Initiate entering the path of the rainbow. The Initiate passes onto the yellow pollen path between the two mysterious Ethkaynaashi Spirit Bringers or Guardian Beings, and comes into the white field of ritual ceremony through the Navajo Tree of Life, the Green Corn Plant. The corn plant has seven markers which correspond to the seven chakras. The Initiate has to pass through both the female and male experience as he goes on the path. The female experience symbolized by the smooth curved lines of the rainbow (red and blue) and the male by the crooked, dynamic lines of the lightning. Passing out of the top through the corn tassels, he comes to the Blue Bird, which signifies blessing and peace.
As I mentioned, the week on the mountaintop in Vermont was a stretch for me. I remembered one of the most bliss filled afternoons was when our group took a field trip to a bed and breakfast. We were served afternoon tea and we got to walk the property and see the owner's magnificient herb garden. On the way home we stopped at a Ben and Jerry's and had ice cream.
At the beginning of the week, the teacher had made mention of the ice cream outing. One of my emotional life preservers was the thought of having ice cream. Ice cream is one of my bliss foods. Driving from the bed and breakfast, on route back home and going to the Ben and Jerry's, one of my fellow students riding in the car I was riding, made the suggestion that we should skip ice cream because of dairy products not being good for us. I am certain to this day she still shutters at the thought of my threatening voice of what was going to happen to her if we didn't make the planned ice cream stop. The short version goes like this: "Jayne gets ice cream, and no one gets hurt."
When I think of my week in Vermont, I remember: prayer bundles; Joseph Campbell; the Pollen Path and ice cream.
Those sweet memories came rushing back to me today when I came across an advertisement by Haagen-Dazs (I have no ice cream prejudices). Haagen-Daz is promoting a campaign: Haagen-Dazs loves Honey Bees. I am giving you the link to their page of Gardening Tips for attracting bees:
In our own gardens we can link ourselves with the mystical pollen path by creating an environment that is beautiful, attractive and supportive of honey bees.
Until my next post: BEE HAPPY.
Love, Jayne
PS: Don't miss reading the book or watching the movie: The Secret Life of Bees
The class took place only a month or so after my husband's departure, so I was pretty much a shell-shocked woman. I flew to Vermont and my suitcase which departed with me in Baltimore didn't arrive with me in Montpelier. It would be days before it would show up. In looking back I know that God was helping me acclimate myself with the little unknowns, i.e. I didn't know where my clothes were;I didn't know when I would ever see them again, etc, and of course, the big unknowns, what would life be like on my own?
In the middle of the week the teacher - a master herbalist - taught us a Native American ritual of creating a prayer bundle. We each made a prayer bundle and then were instructed to go out into nature and find a tree we connected with. We were to hang the prayer bundle on the tree and release our prayers to God. I made my prayer bundle with the request that my suitcase would show up. I went to one of the biggest trees on the property as I wanted my prayer to go straight up to God. I attached my prayer bundle to one of the branches. I crawled out from underneath the tree and was walking on the road back to the house when I was approached by an automobile. The driver stopped and asked if I knew where he could find Jayne Howard as he had a suitcase to deliver to her. I remember being very impressed with the expediency of God's response to prayer bundles.
I greatly admire the woman who was my teacher. She is someone who has literally gone into a woods and has been able to find dinner in the plants and herbs. She epitomizes self-sufficiency and I know that God placed me in her care so that I would start believing in my own self-sufficiency. However, I wouldn't be truthful if I didn't admit that this was a very challenging week for me because of the emotions I was experiencing from the separation I was in the midst of and the divorce on the horizon.
I guess I was pretty pathetic and the woman took pity on me, because she suggested that maybe an emotional breakdown diversion would be for me to watch videos in the basement of her house. I am someone who loves going to the movies and watching videos. So I was thrilled with her suggestion. I went into the basement(a place of pure base chakra security/foundation energies) where the video player was and began watching a series I had never heard of before: The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell.
I now know that God guided me to Vermont to meet Joseph Campbell (via video) because the experience was life-changing. The diversion from emotional heartbreak became a passionate experience of pure heart joy. I loved the wisdom of Joseph Campbell. I couldn't wait for the herb classes to be over. During free time, when others were doing creative herby-type activities, I would go into the basement and put on another vhs tape. I was enchanted. I was mesmerized. I was reborn. There were so much that spoke to my soul in the six-part series. I drank in every word that Joseph Campbell spoke.
To this day, I remember the chills I got in hearing Dr. Campbell say the Sanskrit words, "Sat chit ananda" - Follow your bliss. He commented that one of his students from Sarah Lawrence University asked him, "Dr. Campbell, what is my bliss?" He replied, "That, dear one, is what you get to spend your life finding out." I felt he was speaking the words directly to me and my new life.
I was empowered by the wisdom shared of the Navaho having a powerful shamanic ritual that they call the pollen path. Pollen is the life source, The pollen path is the path to the center. Dr. Campbell shared the Navaho's wisdom words: "Oh, beauty before me, beauty behind me, beauty to the right of me, beauty to the left of me, beauty above me, beauty below me, I’m on the pollen path."
I didn't know what was ahead of me; however, I was choosing that my path would be the pollen path. From that moment forward, my life would be a path of beauty and bliss. Dr. Campbell explained in The Power of Myth videos that we are all on own hero's journey. The Pollen Path is such a journey. I could identify with our hearts being the hive and that we are called to be diligent to our sacred pollen path creating honey that is sweet to the Divine's lips.
Years later, in my travels I came across a Native Amrican sand painting of the Pollen Path. The art was created as part of a Navaho blessing ceremony. In researching the art I learned from Margaret Schevill Link's The Pollen Path and Joseph Campbell's Inner Space that the art depicts the Initiate entering the path of the rainbow. The Initiate passes onto the yellow pollen path between the two mysterious Ethkaynaashi Spirit Bringers or Guardian Beings, and comes into the white field of ritual ceremony through the Navajo Tree of Life, the Green Corn Plant. The corn plant has seven markers which correspond to the seven chakras. The Initiate has to pass through both the female and male experience as he goes on the path. The female experience symbolized by the smooth curved lines of the rainbow (red and blue) and the male by the crooked, dynamic lines of the lightning. Passing out of the top through the corn tassels, he comes to the Blue Bird, which signifies blessing and peace.
As I mentioned, the week on the mountaintop in Vermont was a stretch for me. I remembered one of the most bliss filled afternoons was when our group took a field trip to a bed and breakfast. We were served afternoon tea and we got to walk the property and see the owner's magnificient herb garden. On the way home we stopped at a Ben and Jerry's and had ice cream.
At the beginning of the week, the teacher had made mention of the ice cream outing. One of my emotional life preservers was the thought of having ice cream. Ice cream is one of my bliss foods. Driving from the bed and breakfast, on route back home and going to the Ben and Jerry's, one of my fellow students riding in the car I was riding, made the suggestion that we should skip ice cream because of dairy products not being good for us. I am certain to this day she still shutters at the thought of my threatening voice of what was going to happen to her if we didn't make the planned ice cream stop. The short version goes like this: "Jayne gets ice cream, and no one gets hurt."
When I think of my week in Vermont, I remember: prayer bundles; Joseph Campbell; the Pollen Path and ice cream.
Those sweet memories came rushing back to me today when I came across an advertisement by Haagen-Dazs (I have no ice cream prejudices). Haagen-Daz is promoting a campaign: Haagen-Dazs loves Honey Bees. I am giving you the link to their page of Gardening Tips for attracting bees:
In our own gardens we can link ourselves with the mystical pollen path by creating an environment that is beautiful, attractive and supportive of honey bees.
Until my next post: BEE HAPPY.
Love, Jayne
PS: Don't miss reading the book or watching the movie: The Secret Life of Bees
Monday, May 4, 2009
Angelic Blessings of Springtime Joy to Everyone:
Perhaps some of you remember living in a household where springtime meant a time for a thorough spring cleaning. Spring cleaning was a ritual of opening windows and letting fresh air in; taking rugs outside and shaking them clean; scrubbing the house from top to bottom until everything was shining clean and bright. The sunshine energy of springtime that was being experienced outside of the house, was felt inside the house through the abundant cleaning. There's something rejuvenating and regenerating about spring cleaning. It clears and cleans the home and the soul at the same time. "Cleanliness is next to godliness." - F. Bacon.
I love working with the word images of the Sabian Symbols. Sabian Symbols are a set of descriptive statements that were developed by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones for each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac.
There's one sabian symbol that expresses the thought: "A woman holding a bag outside of a window." The symbolism of a woman holding a bag out of a window, is connected to the practice of placing items outside in the fresh air. By doing this practice, the stale and musty odors of winter were replaced by the fresh, new crisp smells of spring.
You may also have childhood memories of a clothes lines in the backyard and the wonderful smell of clothes that had been hung outside to dry. A family would have a clothes line; a clothes pole to keep the line from dragging on the ground once the clothes were hung on the line; a clothes basket for carrying clothes to and from the clothes line and clothes pins for hanging the clothes on the line. Perhaps you also remember running outside to gather clothes off the line because a rainstorm was rapidly approaching.
The angels are giving us a message this month to clean up and clear away the old. In little ways and big ways, we can make things better in our lives. It's springtime. Yippee! Let's open the windows and shake out old, stale, stagnate energies and replace them with abundant fresh air energies. Let the sunshine in.
We can apply this message first on a physical level by gentle breathing exercises that allow more fresh air into our lungs and bodies. We can open windows in our households, and let fresh air into our rooms. Additionally, we can be on the lookout for stagnate thinking, and allow fresh air to circulate in our thinking.
We're being asked to take a look at our lives and see what we are holding on to. It can be "stuff" in our actual environment or "stuff" inside of ourselves. It's all clutter. It's time to bring it out to the light of day.
I'd like to share with you the lyrics for the song entitled: STUFF
Written by Kelly Garrett/Tim Owens
"Catalogs fillin' up the mailbox
Home shopping on the cable box
And www dot
Oh there's no escape
Delivery truck coming up 'round the bend
Beep, beep, beep, just backing in
Sign here and here and here again
'Cause it's no money down no payments till
Your whole place is cram packed filed with
Stuff (stuff) stack it on stack it on up
(Stuff) never gonna ever get enough (stuff)
Oh it's treasure till it's mine then it ain't worth a dime
It's stuff (stuff) spreading like weeds
Dragging me under in an endless sea of stuff
(Stuff) There ain't no end
Got to get a bigger place so I can move in
More stuff
It's getting late but it's alright
The get-it-all mart opened up all night
You can catch it all with a quick swipe
It's easier everyday
Suv's and mini vans
Parading 'round in caravans
Toting off more than their tires can stand
'Cause it's no money down no payments till
Every square inch of the whole world's filled with
Stuff (stuff) stack it on stack it on up
(Stuff) never gonna ever get enough (stuff)
Oh it's treasure till it's mine then it ain't worth a dime
It's stuff (stuff) spreading like weeds
Dragging me under in an endless sea of stuff
(Stuff) There ain't no end
Got to get a bigger place so I can move in
More stuff
Drag it in, pack it in
The man with the most
He just wins more stuff
Stuff (stuff) stack it on stack it on up
(Stuff) never gonna ever get enough (stuff)
Oh it's treasure till it's mine then it ain't worth a dime
It's stuff (stuff) spreading like weeds
Dragging me under in an endless sea of stuff
(Stuff) There ain't no end
Got to get a bigger place so I can move in
More stuff"
We're being inspired to take a look at how we have become Stuff Masters; masters of accumulating stuff.
In my booklet Angelic Feng Shui: 101 Way to Make Your Home Heaven on Earth,I share that first we accumulate stuff; and then it starts accumulating us. In short, it takes our energy from us. It takes our energy by being in the way, i.e. we may be moving it around the house - here, there and everywhere - sometimes even into storage lockers that we rent; it takes our energy in having to dust it and keep it clean; it takes our energy by taking up space. I am certain you have heard people comment that they don't want to think about ever having to move because they will have to deal with all their stuff.
It's cleaning time. It's clearing time. We're clearing out old habits. We're discarding thoughts and things that are just no longer relevant to our lives. Get the dust bunnies out from under the bed and out of our minds, too. We are being inspired to ask ourselves: What are we holding onto; and why?
Clean out; clear out; release; let go; discard. We're making room for more sunshine and fresh air in our lives.
There's a lot of changes going on in our nation's economy and as a result people are getting creative about stretching dollars they have and finding new money sources. Last weekend Chuck and I commented to each other on the abundance of yard sales we saw taking place. There were yard sales everywhere. Some were on people's lawns; some on church parking lots. Walmart even rented space on its big parking lot ($15 a table) for a community yard sale which I thought was an absolute hoot because a lot of people buy their stuff from Walmart.
People are releasing the old in the hope of transmuting their former treasures to cash. Mercury is retrograde. So it's a great time to have dialogue with things we've purchased in the past, i.e. "Why did I buy this?" or "Why am I keeping this?" Mercury is the planet that rules our mental faculties; our thinking energies. Mercury is the ruler of Gemini; the zodiac sign of the third house of the sacred wheel. The message of the third house is: I THINK THEREFORE I AM. Let this be a time of thinking about belongings from our past that are clogging up our ability to be mindful in the now. Do we really need these things now? You might find yourself saying, "I THINK I am going to release this item THEREFORE I AM free.
George Bernard Shaw wrote: "Better keep yourself clean and bright. You are the window through which you must see the world."
"God doesn't seek for golden vessels, and does not ask for silver ones, but He must have clean ones." - Dwight L. Moody
I remember in my childhood days singing a song at our Methodist church where the only words I remember to this day are "open up your heart and let the sunshine in." I decided to find the lyrics to share with you and I was amused by the rest of the lyrics. In closing, I share this song with you and the reminder from the angels...let the sunshine in your life.
Written by Stuart Hamblen;
Copyright 1953 by Hamblen Music Company
Mommy told me something
A little kid should know
It's all about the devil
And I've learned to hate him so
She said he causes trouble
When you let him in the room,
He will never ever leave you
If your heart is filled with gloom
So let the sun shine in
Face it with a grin
Smilers never lose
And frowners never win
So let the sun shine in
Face it with a grin
Open up your heart and let the sun shine in
When you are unhappy
The devil wears a grin
But oh, he starts to running
When the light comes pouring in
I know he'll be unhappy
'Cause I'll never wear a frown
Maybe if we keep on smiling
He'll get tired of hanging 'round.
If I forget to say my prayers
The devil jumps with glee
But he feels so awful awful
When he sees me on my knees
So if you're full of trouble
And you never seem to win
Just open up your heart and let the sun shine in
So let the sun shine in
Face it with a grin
Smilers never lose
And frowners never win
So let the sun shine in
Face it with a grin
Open up your heart
And let the sun shine in.
Angelic Blessings of Sunshine and Light,
Love, Jayne
Perhaps some of you remember living in a household where springtime meant a time for a thorough spring cleaning. Spring cleaning was a ritual of opening windows and letting fresh air in; taking rugs outside and shaking them clean; scrubbing the house from top to bottom until everything was shining clean and bright. The sunshine energy of springtime that was being experienced outside of the house, was felt inside the house through the abundant cleaning. There's something rejuvenating and regenerating about spring cleaning. It clears and cleans the home and the soul at the same time. "Cleanliness is next to godliness." - F. Bacon.
I love working with the word images of the Sabian Symbols. Sabian Symbols are a set of descriptive statements that were developed by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones for each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac.
There's one sabian symbol that expresses the thought: "A woman holding a bag outside of a window." The symbolism of a woman holding a bag out of a window, is connected to the practice of placing items outside in the fresh air. By doing this practice, the stale and musty odors of winter were replaced by the fresh, new crisp smells of spring.
You may also have childhood memories of a clothes lines in the backyard and the wonderful smell of clothes that had been hung outside to dry. A family would have a clothes line; a clothes pole to keep the line from dragging on the ground once the clothes were hung on the line; a clothes basket for carrying clothes to and from the clothes line and clothes pins for hanging the clothes on the line. Perhaps you also remember running outside to gather clothes off the line because a rainstorm was rapidly approaching.
The angels are giving us a message this month to clean up and clear away the old. In little ways and big ways, we can make things better in our lives. It's springtime. Yippee! Let's open the windows and shake out old, stale, stagnate energies and replace them with abundant fresh air energies. Let the sunshine in.
We can apply this message first on a physical level by gentle breathing exercises that allow more fresh air into our lungs and bodies. We can open windows in our households, and let fresh air into our rooms. Additionally, we can be on the lookout for stagnate thinking, and allow fresh air to circulate in our thinking.
We're being asked to take a look at our lives and see what we are holding on to. It can be "stuff" in our actual environment or "stuff" inside of ourselves. It's all clutter. It's time to bring it out to the light of day.
I'd like to share with you the lyrics for the song entitled: STUFF
Written by Kelly Garrett/Tim Owens
"Catalogs fillin' up the mailbox
Home shopping on the cable box
And www dot
Oh there's no escape
Delivery truck coming up 'round the bend
Beep, beep, beep, just backing in
Sign here and here and here again
'Cause it's no money down no payments till
Your whole place is cram packed filed with
Stuff (stuff) stack it on stack it on up
(Stuff) never gonna ever get enough (stuff)
Oh it's treasure till it's mine then it ain't worth a dime
It's stuff (stuff) spreading like weeds
Dragging me under in an endless sea of stuff
(Stuff) There ain't no end
Got to get a bigger place so I can move in
More stuff
It's getting late but it's alright
The get-it-all mart opened up all night
You can catch it all with a quick swipe
It's easier everyday
Suv's and mini vans
Parading 'round in caravans
Toting off more than their tires can stand
'Cause it's no money down no payments till
Every square inch of the whole world's filled with
Stuff (stuff) stack it on stack it on up
(Stuff) never gonna ever get enough (stuff)
Oh it's treasure till it's mine then it ain't worth a dime
It's stuff (stuff) spreading like weeds
Dragging me under in an endless sea of stuff
(Stuff) There ain't no end
Got to get a bigger place so I can move in
More stuff
Drag it in, pack it in
The man with the most
He just wins more stuff
Stuff (stuff) stack it on stack it on up
(Stuff) never gonna ever get enough (stuff)
Oh it's treasure till it's mine then it ain't worth a dime
It's stuff (stuff) spreading like weeds
Dragging me under in an endless sea of stuff
(Stuff) There ain't no end
Got to get a bigger place so I can move in
More stuff"
We're being inspired to take a look at how we have become Stuff Masters; masters of accumulating stuff.
In my booklet Angelic Feng Shui: 101 Way to Make Your Home Heaven on Earth,I share that first we accumulate stuff; and then it starts accumulating us. In short, it takes our energy from us. It takes our energy by being in the way, i.e. we may be moving it around the house - here, there and everywhere - sometimes even into storage lockers that we rent; it takes our energy in having to dust it and keep it clean; it takes our energy by taking up space. I am certain you have heard people comment that they don't want to think about ever having to move because they will have to deal with all their stuff.
It's cleaning time. It's clearing time. We're clearing out old habits. We're discarding thoughts and things that are just no longer relevant to our lives. Get the dust bunnies out from under the bed and out of our minds, too. We are being inspired to ask ourselves: What are we holding onto; and why?
Clean out; clear out; release; let go; discard. We're making room for more sunshine and fresh air in our lives.
There's a lot of changes going on in our nation's economy and as a result people are getting creative about stretching dollars they have and finding new money sources. Last weekend Chuck and I commented to each other on the abundance of yard sales we saw taking place. There were yard sales everywhere. Some were on people's lawns; some on church parking lots. Walmart even rented space on its big parking lot ($15 a table) for a community yard sale which I thought was an absolute hoot because a lot of people buy their stuff from Walmart.
People are releasing the old in the hope of transmuting their former treasures to cash. Mercury is retrograde. So it's a great time to have dialogue with things we've purchased in the past, i.e. "Why did I buy this?" or "Why am I keeping this?" Mercury is the planet that rules our mental faculties; our thinking energies. Mercury is the ruler of Gemini; the zodiac sign of the third house of the sacred wheel. The message of the third house is: I THINK THEREFORE I AM. Let this be a time of thinking about belongings from our past that are clogging up our ability to be mindful in the now. Do we really need these things now? You might find yourself saying, "I THINK I am going to release this item THEREFORE I AM free.
George Bernard Shaw wrote: "Better keep yourself clean and bright. You are the window through which you must see the world."
"God doesn't seek for golden vessels, and does not ask for silver ones, but He must have clean ones." - Dwight L. Moody
I remember in my childhood days singing a song at our Methodist church where the only words I remember to this day are "open up your heart and let the sunshine in." I decided to find the lyrics to share with you and I was amused by the rest of the lyrics. In closing, I share this song with you and the reminder from the angels...let the sunshine in your life.
Written by Stuart Hamblen;
Copyright 1953 by Hamblen Music Company
Mommy told me something
A little kid should know
It's all about the devil
And I've learned to hate him so
She said he causes trouble
When you let him in the room,
He will never ever leave you
If your heart is filled with gloom
So let the sun shine in
Face it with a grin
Smilers never lose
And frowners never win
So let the sun shine in
Face it with a grin
Open up your heart and let the sun shine in
When you are unhappy
The devil wears a grin
But oh, he starts to running
When the light comes pouring in
I know he'll be unhappy
'Cause I'll never wear a frown
Maybe if we keep on smiling
He'll get tired of hanging 'round.
If I forget to say my prayers
The devil jumps with glee
But he feels so awful awful
When he sees me on my knees
So if you're full of trouble
And you never seem to win
Just open up your heart and let the sun shine in
So let the sun shine in
Face it with a grin
Smilers never lose
And frowners never win
So let the sun shine in
Face it with a grin
Open up your heart
And let the sun shine in.
Angelic Blessings of Sunshine and Light,
Love, Jayne
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