Monday, March 29, 2010


Dear Angelic Blog Buddies:

Perhaps you share a memory with me of seeing your very first orchid as a corsage. I remember my Mom wearing a beautiful lavendar orchid corsage on Mother's Day. Because that was the first orchid I had ever seen, and would be the only type of orchid I saw in my childhood years, that is what an orchid was to me.

That particular type of orchid is of the genus Cattleya (KAt-lee-ah) and it is often called the Corsage Orchid. Cattleyas are among the most commonly grown orchids.

There are some 30,000 species of orchids growing wild across this planet.
The word orchis, from which the whole family received its name, was first used for this purpose by the Greek philosopher Theophrastus, a pupil of Aristotle. Theophrastus is sometimes referred to as the father of botany. In his manuscript Enquiry into Plants, orchid (which means tetis) referred to the underground tuberous roots of the Mediterranean orchid, which are similar in shape to testicles.

I learned of the mystical message of orchids in reading what Ted Andrews wrote about the orchid in his book The Magical Name: "Orchid is a name and flower with ties to the satyrs of mythology, some of whom were teachers of the healing arts. In mythology, Orchid was born of a nymph who had been seduced by a satyr. Alignment with this essence affects sexuality...this is a flower for those wishing to manifest energies that will force a development of positive expression of sexual energies."

Ted expanded his orchid insights in his book Nature Speaks: "In China, an "orchid room" is the dwelling place of a young girl or the bedroom of a young married couple - its significance having mostly to do with its scents. Orchids are the largest family in the plant kingdom...Wherever orchids grow, you will always find nature spirits, elves, faeries and even some of the fantastic creatures and beings associated with the faerie realm...this flower and its environment is often watched over by nymphs and/or satyrs."

In 1993 I came across a set of cards called Angelic Messenger Cards by Meredith L. Young-Sowers. The photography was by Carol Duke. The cards are still available as a newly revised edition. The messages are wonderful and the spectacular photographs are of individual flowers. The Abundance card features a photograph of an orchid of the Paphlopedium or Lady Slipper genus. They are called this because their lip is shaped like a pouch or toe of a slipper.

I agree that orchids are messengers of abundance; and for this reason I called this blog: ORCHID ABUNDANZA. I have always been inspired by the angels to share the message that each of us has a divine masculine energy inside of us; and a divine feminine energy inside of us. The holy union of these two energies is a divine experience that results in the birthing of blessings and miracles. We are walking, talking, breathing holy of holies and within the sacred space of our I AM presence there is divine conception occurring. We can ask ourselves each morning: What do I want to conceive today? The word conceive means to become pregant with. It originates from a Latin word which means to thoroughly grasp. What vision or idea do you want to thoroughly grasp today?

Green Hope Farm Flower Essences offer various Orchid essences. Two that I would like to recommend you consider are: Fragrant Orchid. Molly Sheehan came upon an abundant colony of this orchid on Omey and received this message; "My wisdom needs to go out into the world. I try to share my wisdom generously in the gift of my perfume however, I AM glad to have a greater opportunity to be of service. I know this will strike you as a leap, but my essence is HOPE and that is the vibration I bring as a Flower essence. I am deeply attuned to the Fourth Ray and Angel Gabriel. I do not need to be applied or ingested to be of service in your life. Holding a bottle of my Essence will be enough. I will bring my beacon of white light via this bottle of my Flower Essence, just as I stand as a wand of this light on the rocky slopes where you found me." The Fragrant Orchid wants us to thoroughly grasp that we are ourselves divine essence of Hope. We are earth angels of HOPE.

Molly shares in her guide book that "there were so many orchids on Omey, in the Burren and on the coast of Ireland in general that it required care not to step on any of them."

I also recommend White Orchid from the Burren of Ireland. This orchid has given us this message, "Just as with the Fragrant Orchid Flower Essence, I work on the Fourth ray, the White or Crystal ray While the Fragrant Orchid Flower Essence sings a vibration of Hope, my vibrational strength is clarity of intention. In any endeavor, I help you to see and implement the tasks at hand with a motivation worthy of the task and a better sense of divine purpose. I AM a big picture Essence and will help you get clear on the most important spriritual tasks in your life, as well as help you follow through on these tasks with the least personality baggage." The White Orchid inspires us to thoroughly grasp we are part of the big picture.

You can order these essences as

For 21 years I worked as an administrative assistant to a man who was a marketing/promotion director for a number of shopping malls. My work included helping him develop events/entertainment activities at the malls. I was responsible for Santa arrivals, Christmas parades, Easter Bunnies hopping down the bunny trail of the mall and Easter egg hunts just to name a few of the many events that were staged at the malls. For one of our mall clients I helped to negotiate an orchid society staging an annual orchid show at the mall. It was a sight of sheer beauty to walk into the mall and see table after table of exquisite orchids. The orchids were breathtaking to behold. I loved the passion for beauty of the individuals who grew the orchids in their homes and their openness and willingness to help beginner orchid growers.

I have wanted to attend Longwood Gardens International Orchid Show and finally made it happen this past Friday. I staged my arrival at the very beginning of the 3-day international orchid show, and was delighted to see as I was entering the conservatory, the judges had completed their tasks, and were heading off to a celebration lunch. It brought back sweet memories of my days of being the organizer of the mall orchid shows.

Longwood Gardens titled their show: Orchid Extravaganza. The actual Extravaganza was staged from January 23 to March 31 with the International Orchid show and Sale being held March 26, 27, and 28. I am sharing the dates in case you want to put this idea of attending in the back of your mind for next year.

If you are a reader who lives near Longwood Gardens (1001 Longwood Road/Kennett Square, PA 19348 -, I highly recommend the experience. As Longwood describes it: Immerse yourself in a dazzling world of orchids as Longwood transforms its Conservatory into a lush oasis showcasing the divas of the planet world. Colorful orchids drape from walls, flow from pedestals and adorn beds throughout Longwood's rewnowed Conservatory."

That description beautifully describes what I witnessed on Friday. Plus I got to know more intimately a new genus of orchid; well, it was new for me. The genus is Oncidium (on-SID-ee-um). The American Orchid Society describes Oncidium as:an extraordinarily large and diverse New world genus with an equally diverse number of habitats. Oncidiums may originate anywhere from sea level in the tropics to the high elevations of the Andes.

For me they are little dancing fairies. Wherever they were in the show, I felt a tug of energy to visit them and photograph them. These orchids convey the innocence and delight of little joy baby faces. I found myself beaming and laughing over their adorable presence. Their flowers are truly little fairy beings and the photographs I took of these precious flowers are magical. And the amazing thing was that they wanted me to take more pictures. I would click my digital camera and then hear them say, "more". I heard and felt a constant message of them saying "more" and "more of me"..."take more pictures of me".

The flowers have a shape that is the appearance of fairies with arms outstretched in joy. They convey a wide-openness to life. I am sharing a link of orchid photographs for you to see the Oncidium fairies:

It was only after I left the show that I came to realize why they were calling to me. God had guided me to them to receive an orchid healing. I am asking everyone who reads my blog to keep my husband, Chuck, in your prayers. In 2002 Chuck received a heart stent. Just recently he started experiencing shortness of breath. He cannot walk long distances because of the shortness of breath and also hip joint problems. Because of this problem, he didn't want to walk the grounds of Longwood; and he wasn't open to using a scooter. I am happy to report, that a healing that did occur since last Friday is that I have finally gotten him to agree that in the future he will use a scooter for places he wants to visit. I feel joyous over that healing.

Chuck is under the care of a wonderful Johns Hopkins heart doctor. There have been a lot of tests and bloodwork going on over this past month.

Chuck will be having a chemical stress test at Hopkins on April 8th and it will determine how the stent and arteries are working. Chuck cannot have a physical stress test because he has some hip pain at this time, too. Even though Chuck and I both know God is guiding us, and we have a great team of doctors, there is of course concern over his current state of health and what is ahead.

The angels wanted me to buy an Oncidium at Longwood on Friday. When I went to buy one, the seller told me that this wouldn't be a good first orchid to buy. Because the seller is a master Orchid grower, I followed her advice.

I am admitting to you here that I really blew it. Yes, the individual is a master orchid grower; however, the ultimate Master Grower of All was guiding me. The plant might have been out of my league, but not God's. I didn't listen. I didn't buy the Oncidium.

What I now realize and sheepishly share with you, is that I wouldn't be the one truly growing it. I would of course be the human steward and guardian; but the true gardeners would be God's angels guding me how to care for this plant. They wanted this joy vibration in our home to help uplift the concern energy that is here over Chuck's health. Remember, how I shared with you that I couldn't stop smiling and beaming and photographing the fairy baby faces? You've heard the statement: It's just what the doctor ordered. Well, the Oncidium was just what God was attempting to prescribe for me for helping us through this health challenge.

Needless to say, I will now be looking for an Oncidium to welcome into our hearts and home. In closing this blog I simply share something I know you already know: God is so good. God guides us to what we need. And heaven's greatest blessing is that God doesn't give up on us even when we see the message; hear the message and just plain choose not to get the message.

Angelic Blessings of God's Never-Ending Love,

Monday, March 8, 2010


Dear Angelic Blog Buddies:

A few years ago on a Saturday afternoon, I was doing classes and private readings in a bookstore called Spark of Spirit in College Park, Maryland. While I was inbetween appointments and browsing the bookstore's shelves, a woman who was also browsing remarked, "Oh,good. My book is here." Being curious I asked the woman the name of the book she had written. She shared with me that it wasn't a book she had written; rather it was a book she loved so much that she considered it her book. She pulled from the shelf Dr. David Stewart's Healing Oils of the Bible.

I know all of you have had divine appointments with books. You have had a book cross you path that is life changing. That is how I feel about Dr. Stewart's Healing Oils of the Bible. As the woman held Dr. Stewart's book out to show me, I felt I was receiving a blessing from the energy of the book. Needless to say, I bought the book and the information from the book continues to be a blessing in my life. I love telling everyone about the brilliance of Dr. Stewart's research, teaching, writing, etc. I love sharing my enthusiasm for anointing.

The book brought the Bible to life in a new way for me through sharing knowledge about the ancient practice of anointing. I literally saw the Bible with new eyes. For example, Moses, following God's instructions, asked the elders of Israel to sacrifice a lamb and use a branch of hyssop to apply the blood of the lamb to the door posts of their homes. This was the first Passover. God's instructions to Moses were to have the elders strike the lintel and door posts with the hyssop. This would have bruised the hyssop leaves and as a result released the scent of its oil. The powerful fragrance of hyssop was part of the ritual that caused the Angel of Death to pass over the Israelites' homes that evening. When you smell the fragrance of Hyssop, you connect with the very first Passover. Hyssop is recognized for repeling negativity.

I learned of the important role that essential oils played in the lives of Biblical people and the healing power of these oils. The book introduced me to The Twelve Oils of Ancient Scripture. It inspired me to continue reading and researching anointing, and as a result I was inspired by spirit to teach a class on the Sacred Art of Anointing, which is one of my favorite classes to teach. I just taught the class a few weeks ago at the wonderful Winfield Holistic Center and it absolutely delighted me to see the class participants get as excited about anointing oils as I am.

Right after I purchased and read Dr. Stewart's book, I wanted to learn more about about the healing oils of the Bible and so I went to Dr. Stewart's website and looked for classes being offered. His organization - CARE Ministries - offers a multi-day program where participants receive hands-on training in healing oils of the Bible, Raindrop Anointing Technique, Essential Oil Chemistry and other topics. I remember scanning the schedule of the training and the locations for the immediate classes were all in Europe. Then my eye caught a location in the USA: Easton, Maryland, which is an hour and a half drive from our house. I signed up for the weekend experience and was truly blessed by the indepth teaching shared that weekend. What a fantastic weekend of non-stop inspiration about essential oils. Because of being inspired by books, classes, my own research, I am now a huge believer in the power of anointing and wanted to share that enthusiasm with you in this blog.

The art of anointing was practiced by ancient Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Syrians
Persians, and Hebrews.

Anointing is the sacred act of touching with oil. An individual can be anointed by someone or anoint themselves. Groups can be anointed; sacred objects; homes,etc.

Anointing signifies a sacred connection to God is being made. It is the coming together of the physical (the body being touched with the oil) and the spiritual (the sacredness and holy vibration of the oil being used).

It is the healing power of the divine touching our lives through the anointing blessing. It is a sign of opening our lives to being blessed by God's goodness.

Anointing oil was important in Jesus’ ministry. Spikenard is the oil that was used by Mary of Bethany in anointing Jesus. Jesus defended her when the disciples grumbled about the cost of the anointing. At that time, a household might only have one or two oils at most and they were greatly prized for their fragrance and healing properties. The oil was used by the members of the household in helping heal sickness.

So here is Mary breaking open the alabaster wax jar of costly spikenard and pouring the entire contents over Jesus. At today’s prices it would be well over $30,000

Think of the Gift of the Magi. You spend all you have to show love and appreciation for someone special to you. Jesus even remarked that Mary would be known for what she did for him; i.e. the act of anointing him with oil.

God gave Moses a formula for holy anointing oil shortly after the Israelites began the Exodus trek through the desert. It contained myrrh, cinnamon, calamus and cassia in an olive oil base. This was a specific blend by which the individual would anoint your dwelling, furniture and all who dwell in the home.

Through anointing you are in an essence allowing God to put his seal upon you, i.e. a seal of protection as well as a blessing. Modern science shows these oils contain either an immune stimulating or anti viral compound,so the oil was a protection against disease that the Israelites would experience in the wilderness.

Since the Hebrews were slaves to the Egyptians, they would have been involved in embalming processes and oils for healing and perfumes. In fact our greatest knowledge about oils comes from the Egyptians. Some of their papyrus manuscripts date back as far as 2800 b.c. and share information on how they used herbs and aromatics.

The temples were laboratories where high priests and priestesses would experiment with concoctions to achieve healing goals. They were the first dispensers of aromatics, the first perfumers and first aromatherapists. Once they discovered the preserving effects of essential oils, they perfected the art of embalming.

The body was actually soaked in essential oils and after months was wrapped with gauze impregnated with resin, cedarwood oil and myrrh. So strong is the antiseptic power of these essential oils that Egyptian mummies were well preserved for thousands of years. Oils, still viable, have been found in sealed jars in tombs of ancient Egyptian leaders. For royalty, the embalming process took six months, for a commoner, it could be accomplished in a few hours.

The precious oils of frankincense, myrrh, galbanum, rosemary, hyssop, cassia, cinnamon and spikenard were used extensively for healing and anointing the sick.

In 1817 an ancient Egyptian scroll was found dating back to 1500 b.c. It was a medicinal scroll and mentioned over 800 herbal prescriptions and remedies for disease that they successfully treated and many of the mixtures contained myrrh and honey.

The Greeks learned a great deal from the Egyptians. Herodotus and Democrates visited Egypt during the 4th century b.c. and declared that the Egyptians were masters of the art of perfumery.

Hippocrates – the father of medicine was born in 460 b.c. and he said that the way to health is to have an aromatic bath and a scented massage every day. Not a bad idea.

He recognized that burning aromatic substances offered protection against contagious diseases.

In Aesculapius and Aphrodite temples, healing oils were dispensed by priestesses for all kinds of ailments.

The first real treatise on what we would in our present day identify as aromatherapy was written by Theophrastus who lived 372 to 285 b.c. His work is entitled: Concerning Odors (catchy title) and discusses the effects of fragrances on the mind

Rosewater was one of the perfumes the Crusaders brought back from the East.

The Arabian philosopher and physician Avicenna who lived in 10th century wrote hundreds of books. He wrote the Canon of Medicine and this was used in medical schools for 500 years. In it, he mentions essential oils. His first book was on the beneficial effects of the rose,

Rose to this day is one of the most popular scents and it has the highest MHz frequency.

Hildegard of Bingen, a Benedictine abbess, wrote extensively about herbal remedies, and oils. In fact her work is now being researched in depth because she combined the healing powers of herbs, crystals and gemstones, and essential oils. She is recognized as an authority on essential oils and herbs.

In Ecclesiastes we read:
The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth and the sensible will not despise them.

The ancient Hebrews used oils as body perfumes to fragrance their clothes and bed linens, to deter pests, and women used bundles of myrrh and other aromatics around their necks as a long-lasting and effective deodorant.

The Song of Solomon is an exotic book of poetry that speaks of the beauty of personal fragrances. To be anointed with sacred oil was a sign of great favor.
Whenever you apply perfume, you are in an essence anointing yourself. Maybe we use it to be attractive to others, but the Bible teaches that fragrances were used by people to make themselves pleasing to God and this is a spiritual practice we can incorporate into our lives to raise our spiritual vibration through the frequency of essential oils.

The psalms speak of oils of gladness and joy.

In the Talmud 70 herbs and plants are identified as having healing properties and cures.

The Book of Jubilees written in first century b.c. tells of angels revealing remedies to Noah; these remedies came from the trees, plants and roots.

Anointing is a sacred act and a healing act. The nose is wired differently than the other four senses. Our nose carries molecules directly into the emotional center of the brain where traumatic memories are stored and essential oils release repressed emotions.

Most of the Biblical aromatic oils contain phenylpropanoids, sesquiterpenes and/or monoterpenes. These three constituents are unique to essential oils and have the intelligence and capability of cleasing the receptor sites of our cells (phenols), erasing incorrect information in the DNA cellular memory (sesquiterpenes) and reprogramming God's original plan (correct information) into the cellular level and facilitating a permanent and sometimes, instaneous healing.

There is another dimension of the healing powers of essential oils. All essential oils carry electrical charges which are healing and healthful. The frequencies of essential oils are between 52 to 320 MHz. The highest of all known substances is rose oil at 320 MHz. So when you hear the message: Stop and smell the roses, it not only means to stop to take time to appreciate nature; it also means that by smelling the rose's high vibrational energy, the electrical charge will go through your nose to your brain and you'll receive a powerful healing of love. Isn't God wonderful?!

Measurements on the human body found that a healthy person has a frequency of around 62 to 68 MHz. When a person's frequency dips to 58 MHz, cold symptoms can manifest. Flu symptoms start at 57 MHz. Cancer can begin when the body falls below 42 MHz. The process of dying begins at 25 MHz and goes zero at death.

One of the most important healing modalities of the essential oils is their ability to lift our bodily frequencies to levels where healing can occur and disease cannot exist.

The frequencies of the oils are affected by thoughts, too. Prayer raises the frequency levels by 15 MHz. You can see how powerful essential oils are joined with prayer.

I'm writing this blog because I want to inspire everyone with the message that it is time to return to our senses. It's time to reclaim the sacred tradition of the beautiful art and act of anointing.

If you have an anointing oil, take time in your life to place a drop in your palm and gently rub your hands together. Then inhale the beautiful fragrance. You can gently touch your third eye; or touch your heart. I love to use Young Living's JOY oil. The Bible speaks of oils of joy and gladness. With all that's going on in the world, we can all use a little touch of joy. Use anointing oils to lighten your heart and uplift your soul. And once you have anointed yourself, embrace your divine identity as a walking, talking, breathing blessing of God.

Angelic Blessings, Jayne